Thursday, March 29, 2018


lymm breihmer or whoever at xrt once accused me of having the PERFECT ALIBI.   I am not perfect, yet I have the perfect alibi.  When you have an alibi  you are innocent.  I am not innocent, I know that now.   I know much better what others have gone through, and how they rightly saw me.  I was set up to be lucifer reigning from the throne of God.   I think.  I no longer pretend to know what I do not know.  I must still be deceptive on certain matters, because, quite frankly, I am tired of being terrified or angry or...  I am determined.  I will act as I always have, as moral as I can in the moment.  This is contextual of course.

This was during the period when the group that seemed to be with me from the beginning turned on me, and I could not even understand why?   They were asking me questions I could not possibly answer.  Trying to consult me on a Race War I had no clue was happening.   Thinking of this the other night I realized how far I used to think we were beyond such thinking.  I believed the liberal ideals that are the golden rule would win in the end, the way they seem to have throughout history.  In one way of seeing things....

I digress whenever I write in the blogs.  I want to write about John Hamm saying 'his guy was smoking and staring out the back door,' which I did a lot during this period, trying to figure out just what the fuck was going on?    I did not know what was expected of me, and I still do not.  The offers of monarchy and all this sounds fun of course, but I know the realities of such matters way too much to want to involve myself in such a form of rule.   Maybe it would work if I were king of the world, but the blood involved would make the effort joyless, pointless, causing more pain than it would ever be worth.

I never planned on such a thing ever in my life, though if it would have gotten me out of the crappy life I was living in rogers park being watched all the time, trying to find the solution  to an equation I just did not have enough data to solve.  Guessing about this shit is impossible for me.  I am not twisted enough/

I was kept as ignorant as possible of my situation.  Amazing.   The last thing in the world I want is a world where race is an issue, other than one where historic crimes are RIGHTED, not marginalized by the victors.  From the Native American's to Slaves around the world, lives and minds destroyed by predators intent on stealing whatever the law allows, or they can get away with. 

I am not excused in my mind from hating myself for actions I took.   Beyond the blood are the higher levels of my hell, where I have been humiliated into a statue of mortification.   I call this humbled, and surely this it is as well.  Were there no blood involved I would consider the pain worth what I have learned.  I mean, my own pain....  of course..  Not others.

I hear another line often echoing in my head, from early on in operation bluebeam, when they were showing me to world in attempt to one world government under their selective, rancid minds...  too long in power to care -- to consider caring a weakness.  THIS LINE IS MY SCREAMING, I AM JESUS CHRIST, EVERYTHING I DO IS SIGNIFICANT.

I did not mean that I was going to give orders, or that people should watch me, or whatever, you know?  I was always too ignorant to do much more than sit back and watch, puzzled as hell.  I wanted my side to win without knowing who they were, figuring they were  people who agreed with my politics, which were basic liberal with a streak of paranoia that was not there before I was in a world where you better be paranoid.   I was never paranoid enough.   I thought there was a world in the television and then some hell you for some reason were keeping me in.   I did not think anyone believed I was Jesus at all, really...   I thought it was a secret in a way.

I myself even found the idea too preposterous to ever have a discussion in person about this with someone else who believed the same.  Nor did I with those who thought this was an act to string along the Christians, or whatever.   I felt like and believe myself to have been what you at one time in my long history of incarnation was a man named Jesus Christ, who is not from this earth, a spirit sent by a GREAT SPIRIT.   I cannot claim to be that God in any way shape or form.   The weight of the crown weighs heavy on the head of those who have heart, who are militarily disciplined into controlling their feelings,  following orders no matter what... following orders.

I am glad I never learned to follow orders.  I distrusted the world enough to test what their laws were, detested people who tried to order me to do anything, let alone kill.  No one will ever order me to kill.

I watched JESSICA something on netflix today, and realized why I quit watching her before, this dr who actor shows up, who uses mind control.  He wears purple, causes these women and others to kill, steal, all these horrible things.   Then he keeps saying I HAVE NEVER KILLED ANYONE.   He caused people to kill themselves as well, something else that I watched praying this had nothing to do with me, showing horror to you...  people should have asked.  Had I walked free, if people had just taken me into a room and consulted with me once, but no.... had to play fucking spy games which I outright refused to fuck with, since I did not believe a word you said half the time.

I stopped criticizing anything for a long time after this...  afraid my words would be taken too seriously and of course a few were... by enough people that I was forced to really examine how I feel about such matters, and what bridges I will make with people who think different, as long as they do not act on their prejudice or whatever madness or old wounds they have.  I had to figure out how to deal with all groups.  The blue and the brown and the green.  I invited everyone to the party, the CHRIST offered salvation and a better world for all.   Instead, violence, which was planned and coming, etc..

I felt that way though...  like it was time to change the world...  fucking pain had way too much to do with how I behaved of course.  The brainwashing...

I have been on facebook for so long explaining my behavior to people...  in this blog most of you probably know more than me if your security clearance allows you to understand these events.  OR perhaps they were so huge that everyone except me is in on it, the truman show.  This would surprise me though to a degree I certainly experienced that.

you are not fallen angels. you are people used in an intelligence plan

....  and the brainwashed boy went awry.  I thought I could fight thru anything, but I had no idea what was ahead of him.  No idea all the people just waiting for this moment, to see this creature who the secret societies knew about, released into the world.

I have had mystical experiences.  I do not have a context for them that requires a religion.   The way I worship requires no religion, or could be people gathering together to live for the good of the future, etc...  though no cults, no charismatic leaders.   Leaders simply exist, but the good ones consult everyone before they act.   I was not the leader, so nothing happened on my time.

What you did as Angels was the result of planning, some gone totally off kilter.  I should never have talked about angels, know not one damn thing about them...  I was having too much trouble trying to figure out if I existed to worry about angels.   One night, wasted, I saw a picture of tom cruise and thought he was an angel hidden by scientology, as I had been hidden from humans by my life -- or so my thinking went at the time.   The next day I made nothing of it, then the next thing I know Weinstien is on tv turning his empire over to the scientologists.  All that mind control theirs.  Whose was it before?  Whose is it now?    Seemingly the CIA has a lot to make up for so we see them no more as the viillians that come in at the end and kill everyone, like they did in the decades following all those CIA documents being stolen from RAND, and exposing them.

Now they trust, because their tv tells them too....    God, I wanted that to be true with me, as well, though now I either see constant lies, trying to shape the truth, or I am witnessing more criticism.   I cannot imagine what those who thought themselves angels, or using the sword of God to kill with feel about these events.   The child soldiers who lost families when the killers came to town.  The vague glimpses I get.


I have seen two ways he has slammed me in his work.   My reaction to this initially was being pissed, feeling like after all I sacrificed and demanded the Jews be left alone, I am blamed by the CIA mouthpieces like Grogan.   I thought of him today after watching something on comedy central, which is very deep state.   They had black dynamite, in a race war, which was a car race...  which is a comparison that is still used.  Colors are the dominate way of distinguishing who is who.  Brown, nazi's, blue, cops...  purple, royalists--  I was associated with purple and yellow.  I am yellow, but I do not want to be royalty.  I mean, there were times when I would do anything to help, or whatever, but I sure as hell never in my wildest dreams thought of being a king.  I obviously particularly despise theocracies, monarchies come next, even if they are supposed to not be influential like the queen of england.

Grogan used how the apocolyptic vision I had, which terrified a lot of people who believed I am a supernatural creature, the Christ.   I am not sure why they all believe this, though they do.   I have been a very moral guy most of my life though lying was always a problem for me.  I almost think this was inserted in me, I tried so hard to stop, praying everday, even going over my days at night to find out if I had lied....and almost always there was no reason.   Or to avoid some stupid blame that I should have just owned up to.  But when it came time to lie to get out of jail or serious trouble, or seduce women in my youth, I lied with the best of them, as I did with the spies.  Mostly when they were filming me, if they ever stopped I would be surprised but I would rather they see my real life than the imagined one they had for me.

After six years of being filmed everywhere, and masturbated by my wife in front of the tv...  I know you had already seen everything, but the masturbation set off hell on earth for some.   This is what it took to break the grip of illusion I was living in, when all of a sudden the tv hated me and talked about this.   I could not believe they were only know doing something like this....  you were filming me in the bathroom, had seen this before.   My life and the tv disconnected.   I cannot get this across, but if you lived for years, and the tv said one thing and your life another, would you not think some head game was being played?   I seemed to have friends and enemies.  Someone kept having car wrecks, and I THOUGHT it was because I was doing something wrong, and prayed these were fake reports.  THE SAME with the train, dinosaurs, almost any image you gave me, once I realized there was blood involved, I could barely stand to watch or be reminded of them.   I watched shows with them on, children's show, under the ridiculous illusion that this would be easier for people to contact me...

Johnathon Winters and Robin Williams -- who more than likely died because he was talking about how his next tour was being censored, and he, like most in entertainment, had taken sides in the vital battle for this world, and life.   Once one realizes the stakes, there really is no other game in town that matters.  At least to me.  I know now of great evil, and stupid chaos, killing people over their religions, races, political beliefs, and....  just to recruit their children into child armies.  A perfected method.   For a psycho or a fight to the death you must be willing to do anything, which is why my family gave me over for Operation Bluebeam.  I have never even thought much about that name, but of course the idea of the blue eyed devil came up one day.... and the jokes channel 7 here, a very evil group, some...  someone said kill everyone we blue eyes... and the weather girl reacted in anger, screaming I HAVE BLUE EYES....  I had no clue they were actually killing people when they made dark humor jokes....

So along comes Josh Grogan and many others who know a lot more about what happened than I do... and they are willing to place the blame on me, because otherwise they would have to look at what they are doing, the totally evil fucks do not even care they're lifestyles are killing the planet.   Regardless, good people seem to have good reasons to hate me.  Well, mistaken reasons, or they are put up to it.  Since I know Grogan did two cia movies...  the one about north korea, for God's sake... talk about a lack of artistic integrity.   They get angry at me for what they saw on a fucking illegal webcam....   that I hated and was subjected to.  I had no idea there would even be a reaction, other than me once again saying QUIT WATCHING ME... SOME THINGS ARE X RATED.   I did not mean I do x rated, I meant off limits.

What took off from there, with the cops attacking the bears, was a travesty. NO ONE HAD THE BALLS BLACK OR WHITE OR YELLOW TO JUST COME UP TO ME AND TELL ME WHAT WAS GOING ON SO I COULD ACT APPROPRIATELY?   Yes, you tried to tell me ways to live, but I had one rebellion, and that was living as I would... trying to ignore the cameras.

Now Rogan has made me out to be an idiot in Preacher.  And he had the Jesus show his penis.   Again, after years of being filmed, and once walking naked by good morning america when I did not think about it, or was pissed....  I know they will say anything except actual truth.   They will not tell you anything except what they did.   What I did was entirely different.   I take responsibility for some of the death, I did not intend to build a religious army, however.   My belief in myself being Jesus seemed like a private issue, after a few years.   I wrote two women and thought them the sum of the people I admitted this to.  Occasionally, like with the changing of the Pope, I would be starkly reminded my words meant something, at least in Rome, back then.

They blame me for not knowing they were at war with England.   I was criticizing the queen but I sure as hell never wrote anything about attacking england.   I hate BP.  Like any big oil company they have abused humanity, the planet, etc...   However, should I have known there was a reason, I would have at least have been able to make a decision?   Was this piracy?  If it was pure Piracy, for the hell of it...  I did not get into this to steal, and had that money burned to make the point.  CHRIST IS BIGGER THAN MONEY, WHAT WAS GOING MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than anyone other than I realized at times, I thought.   Maybe you had another purpose?   Regardless, I would never let my soldiers be slaughtered.   I have to forgive everyone, remember they were as filled with lies and brainwashed as I was....

Thank God I did not become the leader of the world, with the little I knew I would have been a puppet.  I still was later, just someone elses'....  or people really did believe that I would give orders by putting out a lobster.   WHY WOULD I WANT PEOPLE TORTURED?   Why for God's sake?   I kept thinking afterwards, HOW COULD THEY THINK JESUS WOULD WANT THIS??????   In my mind, especially back then, this is who I was.  To me.  I do not know what kind of apparatus had to be in place to make all of this happen, but fifty five plus years of planning, all kept from me, a central figure, is PROOF THEY WERE USING ME.

I wanted people to have the exact opposite of what people got....  I wanted free will, demanded it even if you were going to bug me, and I took all of my anger out on you....  never understanding it would be taken as more than blowing off steam, from a man who life was mad....

I am often accused of hearing about deaths and seemingly not reacting to them at all, giving the impression I do not care..  The opposite is true.  To continue on with this struggle I have to put aside the numbers, the pain.... remember souls are freed, and while the living may hate me for a bit, that hardly matters to an immortal.   So when I think of all the people who died after I masterbated on screen, I am sorrowful for the ones who were hurt by this, but at the same time, I would not have ever discovered what is going on in this country, that I was being worshiped...    I had to learn those things to finally discover what was happening.   Can any of you imagine being me at all?  You think you can and see in 20 20 what you could have done...  I do, too.   Though I also see again and again, God stepping in to make sure that those who were using me, were destroyed, one way or another.

I NEED TO FORGIVE EVERYONE before I can expect those who have been hurt, yet are misdirecting their anger, and thus missing the point altogether in who they should be fighting, convinced by the CIA bullshit.

Like this black dynamits show having a black cia agent helping him, when the CIA were fighting the blacks in the race war.  I guess they insert this lie into another generation.....   I wanted to work with these people, write shows with them, but my role in this world was larger than I could have imagined, since I did not know about the secret world, with all the different powers.

Anyways, I am not going to buy into the Jewish hatred of me, or any of it.  Grogan is a no talent idiot who went along with the dark forces for fame and fortune.  He has half my brain and a tenth of my talent, but none of that matters...  I was chosen for my role, he for his.

I have to stop letting these people get get to me.  My anger will be interrupted by their stereotyping, uneducated, idiotic minds.   I do not why the Jews want me as an enemy?   We should be working together, as should all working class people, or people who believe in justice, etc.   I know a lot of Jews used to, and have to believe most people everywhere want this.   Individuals always defy stereotypes, unless they do not.

I cursed the Tribune after they put out a shitty article about me, and now they are almost gone... the sun times, THE UNION paper here in town, has taken over from the right wing asses.    This happened after I wrote THE DEATH OF THE UNIONS WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL.  That night they reported that the communists would back the unions.   OF COURSE IN THE CORP. VERSUS UNIONS BATTLE I AM UNION.   ON THE RIGHT WIN VERSUS LEFT, I AM LEFT.   I am green, for all intents and purposes, I am just not sure peaecful means will get us there, or that conventional politics is of any use at all at this point, except to service a few at the top.

And keep the rest of us content with next to nothing..

Today on netflix, where I also saw the jessica jones character kill someone based on me, they just announced they had josh groden in 2018....  as long as I am an enemy of this government, television and song will lie about me, make me a scapegoat.   They will not live long enough to hear the whole story.   Fifty years.  If the same people are in power they will never release it.

Hollywood knows that I know they are collaborators with the enemy.   When I found out the leftest who I believed in had gotten involved in a race war....   this was the Jessica Jones thing too, she killed a black woman and then he could no longer control her.   The truth is I found out they were killing blacks and went after whoever I could to stop it....  but I knew nothing back then, what I was hearing made no sense.   How could such a thing happen and to this day....

they sent one connection, and I could never trust him, though I got a lot of intel from him.   Mostly when he did not mean to.   I was describing this long vision one day and he comes walking into my house going, the vision, the vision....    I do not know if he is all into this belief or not?   I always feel no one does, but I cannot shake the feeling that I am Jesus, though he is nothing like people think....

I did tell you that if you treated me like shit, my Father would treat you like shit.   I told you I would not have to do a thing.....  and it happened.  This is part of why I kept waking up and saying THIS IS GOD,,,, after you finally let me in on the mayhem.

I do not understand the mentality of people who think others have all the answers, even a creature with powers that you would think God Like, only because you are so ignorant of how incredibly awesome God actually is.   I used to feel like I was this bit of God that fits into the form, and has the knowledge that fits in a human head.   I am exalted on many planets...  if you begin to understand space goes on forever you begin to understand there is life form after life form....   planets in all sorts of stages of evolution.   The vastness though makes physical contact between beings rare, and more likely to take place with microbes on asteroids than spaceships, of course.  When one is in soul, you can go anywhere quicker, with nothing except your conscious and your curiosity and the warm feeling of the love of God.

There is a commercial here that shows who is with me/....  it used to always have penguins, for the mexicans, and now a black guy, and the latest three women.   I pray the women are those who fought from the beginning.  They deserve the win.   Trump may give it to them.

Another show I have wondered if it had anything to do with me was CULT on american horror story.   I am no trump supporter, but I did call myself the God of many masks.  I did not have people around me calling me divine but there were behind my back.    They are right, but they will not find me but barely in the bible.

I forgive you Grogan for being wrong.   You are reacting like that idiot comedian tried before bobcat goldwaith, to go over the fall guy.   I will not allow anyone to create stereotypes in my mind....   I hated seeing david cross come out and make a joke about jews being involved in international banking and getting ready to live in holes.   Totally not what I was writing about, that Jews would live in the DUMBS,  I do not know who they will choose, but Jews did not seem that high on their list from what I could tell, but I have never made that association.

International banking is the problem of a few individuals, not all Jews.   I know he does not say this like this by accident, he says this because it makes me look ridiculous..... however, I am not.   They may end up fighting against me, if they decide to side with a religion over the class war. I would hate to see that happen.

Sarah Silverman, you made me crazy angry when one of the few people I thought I was friends with did what you did, though I get it.... but I have to open myself to working with everyone, because I have no clue who has done what, etc.   If what I propose  will not work, a class war where what people think is their own business, as long as their actions are not from stereotyping.

I may have problems with the government of Israel, and anyone who does not is a heartless fuck, in my opinion.   They believe a religious lie that all books say is an excuse to be in the middle east stealing land.  This is insane.   I am not going to change my opinion  to curry favor from anyone.   The Jews who feel the same way I do  get it, and they are the ones who have to know I will fight for religious freedom, a two state solution -- and payments for stolen land, etc...  if it is ever my fight, and in a way it is, because the USA backs them.   This may have been vital once, but now we have destroyed the middle east opposition and put in dictators.  They call this winning a war.   Because they can get a few oil contracts.

Regardless, I have to remember Grogan taught me how I was being looked at....    I think he should stop messing with Christianity.  If he does I will leave him alone, if not.   Like Frannco, he will be brought down.   You do not realize that my side wins in the end.  Keep being the CIA's but boy, the high living will never make up for the hell you will earn in the end. 

Television in general, what you folks were put through is mind boggling, and again, the people who planned all this were total psychos...  I played on one tv.  Quite a difference in the real world.

I will never lose so much of my humanity that I would be able to stop myself from beating this guy to a pulp, killing his family and shit in front of him.....   that is who I am.   I will never do it though.  And I CERTAINLY DO NOT want anyone else to either.

So, you can take this how you will.   I will basically just ignore your work and that is the end of it, for now, though I know which side you are on.   Using the Jew card is not enough to get you a free pass in the class war.  I was tricked into working with the CIA too, and I am sure there are people there who deserve better words than I have for them at this point.   My dealings with them made me think they were insane or without leadership.  All of you who looked to me for leadership, when I did not know you existed, or that all these people were watching me, believed a lie, just like I did.   Until we really get control of tv and the movies, this country is fucked.  Disney is going to put super hero movies out there with their subtle messages, or the CIA and royalty and nazi thinking.

Well that is all I wanted to say after seeing that ugly asshole's face and wanting to beat him to a pulp...    I have to stop caring.  Even though I understand why they are mad, I am not accepting it.  Period.   I am aloud to say whatever the fuck I want, do whatever the fuck I want in my own apartment, and etc....  when people tried to take this from me, I did not let them. 

SO, get over yourself, you are not some big warrior, if you think that, as others probably do, you are just a tool of the CIA, and that is not going to be a very good place to be very, very soon.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Race War

     I will never forget reading the words RACE WAR... and yelling at the contacts, who were just bugging me so I could tell them whatever,, off the top of my head, the idea man...  they tried to call me at one point, when something I wrote gave the impression I wanted to be a cop. I DO NOT WANT TO BE, AND HAVE NEVER BEEN, A COP...  at the same time, our dealings together were extensive.   I was writing about pot and starting to get famous and did not want to get busted, so I bragged up the cops, and took their side in most issues. 

Then I read the words RACE WAR.     I told them YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST....  I will not involve myself in a race war.   On scant evidence, and falsified information fed to a group used to believing much more less sense than this order.   I had a fight, made a comment that was taken to be racist, outside about talking about how poor I was, which he brought up, so I upped him one....   He is a fucked up wanna be actor, who made fun of me for being disabled, and cruelly said I was like the people who he worked with all day.   No sensitivity beyond his own ego.  And it all started because he thought I lied to hin, about some stupid shit..... then Jessie Jackson, who I thought was a friend, then NO ONE came to my aide, to talk to me...  I tried to get him to.  Wrote that we should join forces, etc... I HAD NO IDEA OF THE CONTEXT in his mind which these words entered, and were misinterpreted.   THEY HAD THE HUBRIS TO SAY I WANTED A RACE WAR.....after many years of writing this was a divide and conquer tactic,, and a life spent fighting racism.   The behavior is where the truth about a person, not their words.   WORDS ARE INADEQUATE, and easily shaped to give the inmresson one wishes.   Things are left out, sometimes added.  A villian can seem a hero with the right editing of events, obviously..

I heard a statement during this time that I had did certain crimes to stay alive, and while I do not know,, the racist stuff was going on.  This is not true.... I NEVER COMPROMISED.  Until I realized so many people were watching, then I had to adjust...,

   I had no idea I was a hostage of the blacks at that point, though I then remembered a comedian some years before making a reference to me, about THE BLACK PANTHERS,  whom I liked the original version and it made sense that my thinking was not racist, which I supposed the whites, some, wanted me to be.  Later, I learned I was a hostage, in the fiefdom like game they play with the secret royalty....   so ordering a race war makes more sense, knowing this, and had I, I would have squashed this before it started.    But the people pulling the strings, who pretended I was giving orders by putting out a lobster toy in ouor living room --  No, I had been doing this for years because she has so many damn toys, and I would get stoned and put them out.

WHAT WAS DONE THEN...   The CIA GAVE ORDERS FOR A RACE WAR.   My allies liked this,and jumped on it.   When I heard the tactics being used I was sickened, and so pissed off at the time, and trying to give them some justice in a world where it only exists if you make it yourself, and enforce it yourself..   I regret all acts of revenge, but I wanted this war over... when I tried to stop it, NEW YORK, which I had saved ==  the night they evacuated NEW YORK BECAUSE OF A STORM... yes, a storm of missiles.    I was told too late to have an opinion on this matter, though they asked me at the last second, rather than just doing what was just, because justice had long ago been thrown out of the earthly realm.

Deaths ensued  after I learned the tactics being used, and had to fight the head of the snake, and stop on going missions.   A town in Canada was said to be 'just gone'' after an oil train exploded... yes, with the help of the air force dropping a few bombs. 

During this war, many died, and many were tortured.  I was told about these weird tortures, and again based on thigs I had innocently said, like, MEN SHOULD CARRY THE BABES MORE......  after seeing a thing that strapped a baby to your chest.   I wrote jokes about adult diapers, they were used as a form of mental torture.    My words interpreted as communications from one psyhco to another.  A FICTIONAL CHARACTER taken to be real.....   you only got it right once...  in my opinion...   I do not going into that, however, because I wish to seperate religion from this post.

I was working with television quite a bit, after writing about taking over tv stations, thinking in a situation of revolution I did not realize was in progress..   Even before this I was being watched and then my life used on shows to get the messages of what I MEANT out to the people living cover lives.

Tina Fey  I am going to name, because I read somewhere she has been called a racist, and it was reported on one of her films no minorities worked on it.   She was forced into this race war, given orders, and saw the violence first hand.... not only what the blacks were doing, which I am sure was a brutal response to what I learned... which I guess they knew about, but did not have enough power to stop, and would not work with the FBI after their history, and how compromised intelligence organization by the real enemy, teh oligarchy, though they are not violent pit bulls like the CIA that the elite keep in their yard, barking loudly enough to make the average person cross the street, and most people who felt like getting into the White House by crossing the lawn gave up the idea quick.  To a soldiier they were not a problem at all, other than killing dogs... which I avoid at all costs.

Fey went on to make a series about a woman coming out of an apocalyptic cult...   I have not been able to watch this since realizing the people preparing operation bluebeam, allowing people to know an angel existed and he was probably the Christ.   Watched all his life....  surrounded by spies, etc.  Prepared.  Now used  in the mission, then things went sideways, then all these people were coming to me asking for leadership when I did not even know who they were, or what they were trying to achieve.   I certainly had no intention on launching wanton killing and suicide as a means of helping the future.....  killing, yes.  This happens in a war you must win at any cost.   This war can be fought wiith as much honor as possible.  This elevation of angels crap ends.   THE FALLEN ANGELS, YOU CALL THE BRAINWASHED....  and the religious alike.   I can see people thinking these angels turned from God.

I see this motif everywhere.   You have not fallen by your actions.  Your free will was stolen, which might as well be your soul....  and when this happens,   Well, as we know from armies of old to now, chaos erupts without Just leadership at the top.   You had none.   I had to pretend I knew a way out, after you had thrown me into a world I did not understand.  I would write or say one thing and you would make mountains from flecks of dust.   A statement in my constant rage against HUFFINGTON POST suddenly means my car has run over the democrats.  I was mad she did not pay writers, got her news from egotistical actors, and UNPAID writers.  That she made millions off an idea and the work of others sweat and never paid them bothered me.

I  know much worse humiliation happened to others, but to me to be filmed and compromised and reacted to for what happened in one room, when I later learned the bedroom and bathroom were filming me as well..... what a sick madness that one camera, was the one where I knew you were, too...  was a portal unto a world where such an act would cause mayhem.   WHY WOULD I DO THIS?   WHY WOULD I HAVE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVED ME TO BE A SPIRITUAL PERSON ACT LIKE I DID?   I ACTED UNDER THE STRESS of being watched by enemies, then later friends alike, the Christian singers referred to what happened, helped me live with my decisions, to do what was right, to be strong enough.

I WAS USED TO REBELLING AGAINST THE CAMERAS by trying to be myself, but I was not myself back then.   I needed to be shown that God alone will understand why certain things will happen in my life and most I prefer not to know about, having plenty to deal with the present, let alone....  like last time, being crucifiied, I asked God if he had abandoned me, because  my miissionof bringing Heaven to Earth failed...   as they always must.   I can bring Love, which is some of Heaven, the bit we all carry in our hearts. 

I felt  like I had been made a cheap stripper, which is why I spit on the S Korean man's door.    I hated the sordid idea of being watched, let alone for a sexual kick...  God, this was not my intent.  Nothing against people who are comfortable with this, I am not.   I would never want my life watched all the time..... NEVER.

I would NEVER have terrified or told you to live underground.....  if chaos broke out I would have tried to stop this.   I needed freedom.  Knowledge.,...  like a slave kept from learning to read, my world was closed by my lack of knowledge.   My context was a mouse in an endless maze with a few pay offs in the world of tv and radio, not real life.   I should have been more questioning of the people I met, tried to learn more.  Instead I puzzled later over what happened.... kept expecting SOMEONE to make clear to me what was happening.

When I finally did, I learned at this point it is UNIONS VERSUS CORPORATIONS, and the former might as well be broke.   The DEATH OF THE UNIONS WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL.  Certainly, this democratic republic will die.... the slaughters I see already when the communists and the unions and the corporations are seen for what they really are, the last way of removing our chains.... 

Fey told me she WENT UP ON THE ROOF THREE TIMES FOR YOU.   i am sorry you went through with this.   I am sorry you witnessed  deaths and torture of your friends, commitment to a cause that had to be destroyed to build on MY LAND, MY FAMILY,, MY PEOPLE, WHO KNOW in their hearts, the Christians, that I should be set free and led out of Chicago to where I am needed, can take care of my family, write, and be with religion students who wish to learn from me.   I am no guru, and if you worship me I will have to tell you that you have made me another false ICON.   GOD DESERVES WORSHIP JUST TO HUMBLE HUMANS.   He knows this, and for this reasons has kept this around in the various reliigions.....\\\\

I am here to write the scriptures of the End Times, a GOLDEN RULE PRODUCTION.... 

I pray that fhose who heard the siren call went running to the proper people to find out what they cdo, now, to stop the enemy from operating like the class war is over and they have won.... NO, THE CLASS WAR IS JUST STARTING, AND WE ARE GOING TO SURPRISE YOU....  show you what happpens when you corner ninety nine percent of the population to please one percent.

THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR.   READING MY NOTE REVOLUTIONARY TACTICS,, you will see the vague outline of what will happen, and even whatt phase I believe they should start, though I am not privvy to a lot of intelligence because they cannot scare me into silence.

I wish I COULD speak to a lot of people, FEY iis one of them, as are many others who because very involved....  colbert and stewart I still pray are not my enemies but thia is their choice, they have seen what has happeneddd. Do not forget.

I always thinjk of that Hozier song which was a cia production CHURCH, meant to stop the religious movemenbtn started around me, and to warn that confessions would et killled in these times.... and must have gotten people murdered by FAKE CHRISTIANS, WHO EMPODY THE EVANGELISTS, and all who get rich from religion,    The Vatican should sell their land and stop hunger, etc.....\\

Let us hope they are like zuckerberg, giving away ninety nine percent of his two hundred and two hundred and foty five BILLION dollars to charity...

TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE EBEMY.....  not innocent people who run tiny stories, immigrants from all over who can buy cheap in this neighborhoo....\

I cannot fathom the hatreds that develope from killing and having closse associates kiilled.   I dealt in sending soldiers after people...  trying to make people fearme so they would not attack me, when they say they got info about a bomb, I am just like, SOUNDS GOOD TO ME....  use it.

I no longer expect to change anyone's opinions.   I was able to get across a bit message that got across and responded to....   So at least i KNOW that the underground is able to access my words.   I get asked questions that the wrong answer could lead to the murder...

Take care, those out in the fighting.   I pray you will find peace, here or above... 

The entry before this lays out the plan....  and while this will be filtered through the mlitary, underground, etc.... before they take action..... if this be Go's will, so be it....

Monday, February 26, 2018

This is your future... if you have one at all. We lose, they genocide 7 billion.

The economy went into a full tail spin. Banks were closing and the government was slow on getting people their federally backed money... then they cut down how much you could get out at a time for your basic expenses, and only allowed that amount. The banks charged extra for the service.

We were activated in May of Eighteen. In times of war, what is normally a crime is just getting the mission done. We did not have the soldiers to take them on, so we made treaties with the mafia to leave them alone, even reward them for their help. We had to kill people, hold others ransom, force the economy to turn around, take over the government. Getting the president was easy. We nuked the DUMB he was supposed to go down into during an invasion of the White House, took him, his staff and the United Nations.
The elite had to be stopped, the money they were hoarding and stealing thru a system of laws set up so a few could prey on the many taken and redistributed, or starvation would hit the worst areas, and in the best of areas we would all live like paupers, except the thirty eight families with ninety four percent of the wealth, and their lesser paid synchophents. Chris Rock said if poor people knew how rich people live there would be a revolution today, became prophetic, when amplified by national poverty. Ideas of socializing sectors of the economy and working toward a coup became the natural talk, and we had control of the country quicker than I could have dreamt, took me entirely by surprised.
We sent sniper teams after the families, started killing anyone in the 38 we could, and at first they were unprepared for our blitzkreig. We went in all at the same time, all over the world, moving on the leadership of the families... taking out all 38 that night, with minimal causalties and no captures. The message was received loud and clear that we were not going to be distracted by their elections, laws, race wars, or cops and robbers.... we were going for snake heads coming out of hydra’s head. Of course they were just replaced, security was tightened, and they psychopathically dealt with the deaths as doing business; these are the people who make money funding both sides of wars, and do not bother worrying about the results of their actions. Believe whoever was doing their jobs would do the same.
We kept up the assault by moving out to distant family, and close friends and business partners. Again, unexpected, as they wasted all their resources on those heading the business now, we went for the soft targets. I did not want to lose one soldier during these operations. We went in, as much as possible, at night so our glasses made us the only ones who could see when we knocked out the electricity, when that was called for. We scanned the houses for human heat, knew our every target, and how to take them down before they could respond with fire. We went in covered from head to toe in kevlar, as bullet proof as modern tactics had developed, very hard to kill. We hit all again on the same night, taking more hostages with us... leaving the young children, the infirm.

We kept the usually high living hostages deep under Chicago, in the murky sewer tunnels and others which run down for miles and miles beneath the city. Some forgotten, not even on city maps, and wiped as much as possible from computers and memories by our operatives. We treated them to food and boredom and buckets to empty themselves into... which they powered into a river a shit flowing not far from where were were encamped. We were sending them demands now, telling them that we wanted money, and talking about how much, immunity, and the ability to decide how the money is to given to certain charities. All a ruse. We were going to tear them apart from the head down, and we would allow no surrender... not negotiations. We had to take it all the way or we would lose. Without changing the system, no amount of money they gave to charities was going to make any difference to people who need jobs, the return of property the banks supposedly legally took from people after offering bad loans all over the place, in a ploy to gain ownership of the continent, which they have done.

They refuse our demands and from an undisclosed location we murder all of their relatives and show them being thrown into a fast flowing sewer... that is the last they see of them in the video we sent out. Our actions, at first reported all over the world, were being copied now in other countries, and a black out on our activities had been declared on our activities... too late though. World wide, other industrialists, and people closely related to the the thirty eight families, began being found dead, their mansions burned to the ground. Groups grew meaner when the crack down took revolutionary lives, and began a take no prisoners approach.
We go after the ones who have been funding the politicians next, taking all but ten million of any persons money, then using the rest to restart the world, give all that life of their dreams, just not the lavishness of the kings of the age before ours... the undeclared ruling class living dream lives. There were countries run by enough powerful Tory types to give us armies we had to fight. From the start we knew that we wanted to be the first to use nuclear bombs, so they would have to negotiate with us immediately or risk all, which we knew they would not want at all... they even lied to their own people bout what happened, when we nuked their bases, knocked out their airports and even two aircraft carriers. Then we let me know we had nuclear devices planted at various nuclear power plants and dams around the various countries. Asked if they needed any further demonstrations and recieved a resounding NO from the world.

They wanted a cease fire right away. Used by the dishonest to get troops moved around and ready, not an actual movement toward peace, as it was in this case... We told them how much Gold we wanted from them, and then offered to let them leave the continent unharmed if they gave us all but ten million of their fortunes... other countries started telling them the same. The coup was completed in most countries, and the others we sent in armies to change the elites mind and educate those who would be helped, who they lied to, and said we would do everything short of turn their children into vampires.. if we won.
Our strategy worked. They could not bring the army out after us, because we were everyday people who lived cover lives, and when activated struck like lightening, hitting soft targets that meant something to the enemy, their top leadership... the men who stay from battlefields, getting only close enough to make a few trillion.

Our cadre took world power for ten years, socializing the banks, forgiving loans, localizing as much power as possible, and passing out money that spurred housing markets, reassigned populations to less populated areas they loved, in Alaska and Russia and all over the globe, gave the resources back to countries, by forcing the international conglomerates to go home, leave the wealth of places like Africa to the their people/who then would be wealthy, instead of impoverished. Hatred erupted all over the world for the puppets of the 38, the politicians who had allowed the world to become like this. When we started working on the environment and educated the world to how they were killing us, many of them were killed in places less lawless than the states.
Sovereignty was returned to countries, after they signed in a few international laws, common sense, like freedom of the press, empowering women and homosexuals and other groups who had been persecuted in some countries for hundreds of years, if not forever.
That is a very short version of how the world was saved.

The stream

     I am now in the stream

pushed along by the snow melting in some far mountain
passed thru the cities of man
and polluted with the bloated corpses of excess

Some clear spots where the bottom is a gorgeous garden of stones
the fish coming in close and then scaring and disappearing in a flash
I want only to swim with them but I am seen as a monster with an appetite
Cloudy water kept me from seeing you
I saw the references as links to people who felt as I did
I tried to organize my  enemies to fight evil
think they were friendly masks.

I wanted to create HEAVEN ON EARTH
destroy satan's throne in this hell and turn the scorched earth into gardens of Eden

Coming down into life
is walking into hell for a being who knows better
the Returning Buddha told you life is suffering
For reasons of a food chain and pain as a life saver
we became

Brainwashed boy went awry -- wouldn't play their Christ
in their Operation Blue Beam

with a twist at the end

Surprising all
even those who thought they expected as much
could not believe the actual experience was happening

I remember how I had to debase myself into being criticized
to find out what was happening
opened to Criticism I was torn into millions of words
typed neatly and cut out of my thoughts and writing and reading and
every awareness stored in the deepest corners of my unconscious

I grabbed at the words and had to rewrite my entire
cosmology of the world
this time on the rock of God
Evil tried to get me worshipped
Their thrones are all sand to me...
The tides of this time will spread  them to the seven seas

Evil tried to take me into the millionaire
hell bound club
whether there is a human created hell
 or a God created hell
I see the wisdom in the Christian condemnation of hoarding wealth
why the rich go to Hell said the Christ on his last visit

God can herd all the camels in existence thru the eye of a needle
I pray this is the case in the end
all sins forgiven
all starts clear of past debts of money and deeed

I will never join the hoard out there
 trying to profit on being the Christ
The Christ existed ONCE
as did other Holy men
they come back as others
what is needed for that time/chosen by a Loving God we Trust
I was many men in many times and lived lives blessed and damned

Now I find the wisdom of being different each time because human thought
is a shared experience
an agreement on the ever changing truth
in the age of science
replacing the fiction addled myths
where the shunning of science soiled my name
I no longer wish to keep the myths
fairy tales with happy endings
There is an ending undreamt
reward at the end for all
never made sense to me even as a small child
why the idea that anyone who would murder was crazy
was not universal
killing someone seemed the stuff of madness much deeper

than the knowledge of the world
replaced my inuitiveness
The eccentricities and drunken baffoonery
gave me the life of a crippled ego lying my way thru the world
always accompanied by a woman
who took notice of my qualities of kindness and love of justice
unfooled by my intelligence
though knowing I have my moments
I told her I had a problem with lying right away
my last girlfriend and I agreed all people were liars
and lied to each other all the time
when I first found out her life was a bit of a lie and she did out right lie
I was surprised because generally she seemed to tell the truth
and I was the one telling the white lies.... avoiding conflict with her
whenever I could/
bringing on enough already with the pills and pot I was abusing
back then... before I set controls on myself and my supplies diminished

My love for her was learned only after breaking thru
a head filled with porn and patriarchy
remember the night I blamed our lack of sex on her
compensating for the narcotics effect on me
and how her bitching at me for damn good reasons
had caused me to no longer think she could be trusted
with my feelings

I almost left her thinking I could leave behind the life
that I have lived in intelligence
as a religious leader
worshiped above an all seeing GOD
to whom's magnificence I AM nothing
a son   the son  a position of constant struggle
to ease the pain of life or....

stir up trouble to ease the suffering of the many
by the few who take liberties

I was tempted often and hidden in a fool for a cover
anger over terror
I remember believing I needed to be coy about what was happening
how much I knew and did not

so many I lock them away in their own asylum far from my conscious mind

My friends tell me I am not at fault though they cannot know the full story
others know what happened around me so much better than I do
that I feel a fool mentioning

I have been vilified as I expected
loved as I never dreamt
listened to more closely than I knew
terrified a world with my ignorant anger

I am winning if I am alive
This philosophy makes sense when you realize how
I have risen and fallen and rise again
the ressurector
the superman

just a person placed in a position I would choose
if for not the history created for me by others
the bodies that come in my wake
the followers who I entrusted into the hands of wolves
insulated in an ivory tower where boredom is my most frequent enemy
My tormentors mere memories
I always have remembered any incident or embarrassment
with intense revulsion that never seemed to stop feeling horrible
they come up for reasons I cannot fathom and blind side me
take me out of the moment
sometimes I shake my head to rid myself of them
I throw them out of my conscious mind and compartmentalize my mind

I write  now only for those few
Who I do not even know if you exist
Before you told me you were right in the apartment next door
like I could go knock and these people would tell me
what was going on
in this world

allies who quickly turned to hating me
for reasons I did not understand at the time
lies told but God was going to stop that train
with or without me
The Hand of God you may laugh at as Clinton did
You will regret such things in the end
I feel no vengeance or hate for her only pity and love
She has the intellect and once the drive but she has been hallowed out
by the murders and the secrets
hollywood should find another womyn to back
who embodies what is female/not a war mongerer
suffering from stockholm syndrome her entire life

Trump is worse though he will bring back the storm
lost when my people were maligned and massacred
How this was let to happen is beyond me and why I awoke
so many mornings saying Oh, God...   for the longest time
I learned of all the death around me
and what I would have to deal with
that day