Thursday, March 29, 2018

you are not fallen angels. you are people used in an intelligence plan

....  and the brainwashed boy went awry.  I thought I could fight thru anything, but I had no idea what was ahead of him.  No idea all the people just waiting for this moment, to see this creature who the secret societies knew about, released into the world.

I have had mystical experiences.  I do not have a context for them that requires a religion.   The way I worship requires no religion, or could be people gathering together to live for the good of the future, etc...  though no cults, no charismatic leaders.   Leaders simply exist, but the good ones consult everyone before they act.   I was not the leader, so nothing happened on my time.

What you did as Angels was the result of planning, some gone totally off kilter.  I should never have talked about angels, know not one damn thing about them...  I was having too much trouble trying to figure out if I existed to worry about angels.   One night, wasted, I saw a picture of tom cruise and thought he was an angel hidden by scientology, as I had been hidden from humans by my life -- or so my thinking went at the time.   The next day I made nothing of it, then the next thing I know Weinstien is on tv turning his empire over to the scientologists.  All that mind control theirs.  Whose was it before?  Whose is it now?    Seemingly the CIA has a lot to make up for so we see them no more as the viillians that come in at the end and kill everyone, like they did in the decades following all those CIA documents being stolen from RAND, and exposing them.

Now they trust, because their tv tells them too....    God, I wanted that to be true with me, as well, though now I either see constant lies, trying to shape the truth, or I am witnessing more criticism.   I cannot imagine what those who thought themselves angels, or using the sword of God to kill with feel about these events.   The child soldiers who lost families when the killers came to town.  The vague glimpses I get.

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