Monday, February 26, 2018

This is your future... if you have one at all. We lose, they genocide 7 billion.

The economy went into a full tail spin. Banks were closing and the government was slow on getting people their federally backed money... then they cut down how much you could get out at a time for your basic expenses, and only allowed that amount. The banks charged extra for the service.

We were activated in May of Eighteen. In times of war, what is normally a crime is just getting the mission done. We did not have the soldiers to take them on, so we made treaties with the mafia to leave them alone, even reward them for their help. We had to kill people, hold others ransom, force the economy to turn around, take over the government. Getting the president was easy. We nuked the DUMB he was supposed to go down into during an invasion of the White House, took him, his staff and the United Nations.
The elite had to be stopped, the money they were hoarding and stealing thru a system of laws set up so a few could prey on the many taken and redistributed, or starvation would hit the worst areas, and in the best of areas we would all live like paupers, except the thirty eight families with ninety four percent of the wealth, and their lesser paid synchophents. Chris Rock said if poor people knew how rich people live there would be a revolution today, became prophetic, when amplified by national poverty. Ideas of socializing sectors of the economy and working toward a coup became the natural talk, and we had control of the country quicker than I could have dreamt, took me entirely by surprised.
We sent sniper teams after the families, started killing anyone in the 38 we could, and at first they were unprepared for our blitzkreig. We went in all at the same time, all over the world, moving on the leadership of the families... taking out all 38 that night, with minimal causalties and no captures. The message was received loud and clear that we were not going to be distracted by their elections, laws, race wars, or cops and robbers.... we were going for snake heads coming out of hydra’s head. Of course they were just replaced, security was tightened, and they psychopathically dealt with the deaths as doing business; these are the people who make money funding both sides of wars, and do not bother worrying about the results of their actions. Believe whoever was doing their jobs would do the same.
We kept up the assault by moving out to distant family, and close friends and business partners. Again, unexpected, as they wasted all their resources on those heading the business now, we went for the soft targets. I did not want to lose one soldier during these operations. We went in, as much as possible, at night so our glasses made us the only ones who could see when we knocked out the electricity, when that was called for. We scanned the houses for human heat, knew our every target, and how to take them down before they could respond with fire. We went in covered from head to toe in kevlar, as bullet proof as modern tactics had developed, very hard to kill. We hit all again on the same night, taking more hostages with us... leaving the young children, the infirm.

We kept the usually high living hostages deep under Chicago, in the murky sewer tunnels and others which run down for miles and miles beneath the city. Some forgotten, not even on city maps, and wiped as much as possible from computers and memories by our operatives. We treated them to food and boredom and buckets to empty themselves into... which they powered into a river a shit flowing not far from where were were encamped. We were sending them demands now, telling them that we wanted money, and talking about how much, immunity, and the ability to decide how the money is to given to certain charities. All a ruse. We were going to tear them apart from the head down, and we would allow no surrender... not negotiations. We had to take it all the way or we would lose. Without changing the system, no amount of money they gave to charities was going to make any difference to people who need jobs, the return of property the banks supposedly legally took from people after offering bad loans all over the place, in a ploy to gain ownership of the continent, which they have done.

They refuse our demands and from an undisclosed location we murder all of their relatives and show them being thrown into a fast flowing sewer... that is the last they see of them in the video we sent out. Our actions, at first reported all over the world, were being copied now in other countries, and a black out on our activities had been declared on our activities... too late though. World wide, other industrialists, and people closely related to the the thirty eight families, began being found dead, their mansions burned to the ground. Groups grew meaner when the crack down took revolutionary lives, and began a take no prisoners approach.
We go after the ones who have been funding the politicians next, taking all but ten million of any persons money, then using the rest to restart the world, give all that life of their dreams, just not the lavishness of the kings of the age before ours... the undeclared ruling class living dream lives. There were countries run by enough powerful Tory types to give us armies we had to fight. From the start we knew that we wanted to be the first to use nuclear bombs, so they would have to negotiate with us immediately or risk all, which we knew they would not want at all... they even lied to their own people bout what happened, when we nuked their bases, knocked out their airports and even two aircraft carriers. Then we let me know we had nuclear devices planted at various nuclear power plants and dams around the various countries. Asked if they needed any further demonstrations and recieved a resounding NO from the world.

They wanted a cease fire right away. Used by the dishonest to get troops moved around and ready, not an actual movement toward peace, as it was in this case... We told them how much Gold we wanted from them, and then offered to let them leave the continent unharmed if they gave us all but ten million of their fortunes... other countries started telling them the same. The coup was completed in most countries, and the others we sent in armies to change the elites mind and educate those who would be helped, who they lied to, and said we would do everything short of turn their children into vampires.. if we won.
Our strategy worked. They could not bring the army out after us, because we were everyday people who lived cover lives, and when activated struck like lightening, hitting soft targets that meant something to the enemy, their top leadership... the men who stay from battlefields, getting only close enough to make a few trillion.

Our cadre took world power for ten years, socializing the banks, forgiving loans, localizing as much power as possible, and passing out money that spurred housing markets, reassigned populations to less populated areas they loved, in Alaska and Russia and all over the globe, gave the resources back to countries, by forcing the international conglomerates to go home, leave the wealth of places like Africa to the their people/who then would be wealthy, instead of impoverished. Hatred erupted all over the world for the puppets of the 38, the politicians who had allowed the world to become like this. When we started working on the environment and educated the world to how they were killing us, many of them were killed in places less lawless than the states.
Sovereignty was returned to countries, after they signed in a few international laws, common sense, like freedom of the press, empowering women and homosexuals and other groups who had been persecuted in some countries for hundreds of years, if not forever.
That is a very short version of how the world was saved.

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