Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Race War

     I will never forget reading the words RACE WAR... and yelling at the contacts, who were just bugging me so I could tell them whatever,, off the top of my head, the idea man...  they tried to call me at one point, when something I wrote gave the impression I wanted to be a cop. I DO NOT WANT TO BE, AND HAVE NEVER BEEN, A COP...  at the same time, our dealings together were extensive.   I was writing about pot and starting to get famous and did not want to get busted, so I bragged up the cops, and took their side in most issues. 

Then I read the words RACE WAR.     I told them YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST....  I will not involve myself in a race war.   On scant evidence, and falsified information fed to a group used to believing much more less sense than this order.   I had a fight, made a comment that was taken to be racist, outside about talking about how poor I was, which he brought up, so I upped him one....   He is a fucked up wanna be actor, who made fun of me for being disabled, and cruelly said I was like the people who he worked with all day.   No sensitivity beyond his own ego.  And it all started because he thought I lied to hin, about some stupid shit..... then Jessie Jackson, who I thought was a friend, then NO ONE came to my aide, to talk to me...  I tried to get him to.  Wrote that we should join forces, etc... I HAD NO IDEA OF THE CONTEXT in his mind which these words entered, and were misinterpreted.   THEY HAD THE HUBRIS TO SAY I WANTED A RACE WAR.....after many years of writing this was a divide and conquer tactic,, and a life spent fighting racism.   The behavior is where the truth about a person, not their words.   WORDS ARE INADEQUATE, and easily shaped to give the inmresson one wishes.   Things are left out, sometimes added.  A villian can seem a hero with the right editing of events, obviously..

I heard a statement during this time that I had did certain crimes to stay alive, and while I do not know,, the racist stuff was going on.  This is not true.... I NEVER COMPROMISED.  Until I realized so many people were watching, then I had to adjust...,

   I had no idea I was a hostage of the blacks at that point, though I then remembered a comedian some years before making a reference to me, about THE BLACK PANTHERS,  whom I liked the original version and it made sense that my thinking was not racist, which I supposed the whites, some, wanted me to be.  Later, I learned I was a hostage, in the fiefdom like game they play with the secret royalty....   so ordering a race war makes more sense, knowing this, and had I, I would have squashed this before it started.    But the people pulling the strings, who pretended I was giving orders by putting out a lobster toy in ouor living room --  No, I had been doing this for years because she has so many damn toys, and I would get stoned and put them out.

WHAT WAS DONE THEN...   The CIA GAVE ORDERS FOR A RACE WAR.   My allies liked this,and jumped on it.   When I heard the tactics being used I was sickened, and so pissed off at the time, and trying to give them some justice in a world where it only exists if you make it yourself, and enforce it yourself..   I regret all acts of revenge, but I wanted this war over... when I tried to stop it, NEW YORK, which I had saved ==  the night they evacuated NEW YORK BECAUSE OF A STORM... yes, a storm of missiles.    I was told too late to have an opinion on this matter, though they asked me at the last second, rather than just doing what was just, because justice had long ago been thrown out of the earthly realm.

Deaths ensued  after I learned the tactics being used, and had to fight the head of the snake, and stop on going missions.   A town in Canada was said to be 'just gone'' after an oil train exploded... yes, with the help of the air force dropping a few bombs. 

During this war, many died, and many were tortured.  I was told about these weird tortures, and again based on thigs I had innocently said, like, MEN SHOULD CARRY THE BABES MORE......  after seeing a thing that strapped a baby to your chest.   I wrote jokes about adult diapers, they were used as a form of mental torture.    My words interpreted as communications from one psyhco to another.  A FICTIONAL CHARACTER taken to be real.....   you only got it right once...  in my opinion...   I do not going into that, however, because I wish to seperate religion from this post.

I was working with television quite a bit, after writing about taking over tv stations, thinking in a situation of revolution I did not realize was in progress..   Even before this I was being watched and then my life used on shows to get the messages of what I MEANT out to the people living cover lives.

Tina Fey  I am going to name, because I read somewhere she has been called a racist, and it was reported on one of her films no minorities worked on it.   She was forced into this race war, given orders, and saw the violence first hand.... not only what the blacks were doing, which I am sure was a brutal response to what I learned... which I guess they knew about, but did not have enough power to stop, and would not work with the FBI after their history, and how compromised intelligence organization by the real enemy, teh oligarchy, though they are not violent pit bulls like the CIA that the elite keep in their yard, barking loudly enough to make the average person cross the street, and most people who felt like getting into the White House by crossing the lawn gave up the idea quick.  To a soldiier they were not a problem at all, other than killing dogs... which I avoid at all costs.

Fey went on to make a series about a woman coming out of an apocalyptic cult...   I have not been able to watch this since realizing the people preparing operation bluebeam, allowing people to know an angel existed and he was probably the Christ.   Watched all his life....  surrounded by spies, etc.  Prepared.  Now used  in the mission, then things went sideways, then all these people were coming to me asking for leadership when I did not even know who they were, or what they were trying to achieve.   I certainly had no intention on launching wanton killing and suicide as a means of helping the future.....  killing, yes.  This happens in a war you must win at any cost.   This war can be fought wiith as much honor as possible.  This elevation of angels crap ends.   THE FALLEN ANGELS, YOU CALL THE BRAINWASHED....  and the religious alike.   I can see people thinking these angels turned from God.

I see this motif everywhere.   You have not fallen by your actions.  Your free will was stolen, which might as well be your soul....  and when this happens,   Well, as we know from armies of old to now, chaos erupts without Just leadership at the top.   You had none.   I had to pretend I knew a way out, after you had thrown me into a world I did not understand.  I would write or say one thing and you would make mountains from flecks of dust.   A statement in my constant rage against HUFFINGTON POST suddenly means my car has run over the democrats.  I was mad she did not pay writers, got her news from egotistical actors, and UNPAID writers.  That she made millions off an idea and the work of others sweat and never paid them bothered me.

I  know much worse humiliation happened to others, but to me to be filmed and compromised and reacted to for what happened in one room, when I later learned the bedroom and bathroom were filming me as well..... what a sick madness that one camera, was the one where I knew you were, too...  was a portal unto a world where such an act would cause mayhem.   WHY WOULD I DO THIS?   WHY WOULD I HAVE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVED ME TO BE A SPIRITUAL PERSON ACT LIKE I DID?   I ACTED UNDER THE STRESS of being watched by enemies, then later friends alike, the Christian singers referred to what happened, helped me live with my decisions, to do what was right, to be strong enough.

I WAS USED TO REBELLING AGAINST THE CAMERAS by trying to be myself, but I was not myself back then.   I needed to be shown that God alone will understand why certain things will happen in my life and most I prefer not to know about, having plenty to deal with the present, let alone....  like last time, being crucifiied, I asked God if he had abandoned me, because  my miissionof bringing Heaven to Earth failed...   as they always must.   I can bring Love, which is some of Heaven, the bit we all carry in our hearts. 

I felt  like I had been made a cheap stripper, which is why I spit on the S Korean man's door.    I hated the sordid idea of being watched, let alone for a sexual kick...  God, this was not my intent.  Nothing against people who are comfortable with this, I am not.   I would never want my life watched all the time..... NEVER.

I would NEVER have terrified or told you to live underground.....  if chaos broke out I would have tried to stop this.   I needed freedom.  Knowledge.,...  like a slave kept from learning to read, my world was closed by my lack of knowledge.   My context was a mouse in an endless maze with a few pay offs in the world of tv and radio, not real life.   I should have been more questioning of the people I met, tried to learn more.  Instead I puzzled later over what happened.... kept expecting SOMEONE to make clear to me what was happening.

When I finally did, I learned at this point it is UNIONS VERSUS CORPORATIONS, and the former might as well be broke.   The DEATH OF THE UNIONS WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL.  Certainly, this democratic republic will die.... the slaughters I see already when the communists and the unions and the corporations are seen for what they really are, the last way of removing our chains.... 

Fey told me she WENT UP ON THE ROOF THREE TIMES FOR YOU.   i am sorry you went through with this.   I am sorry you witnessed  deaths and torture of your friends, commitment to a cause that had to be destroyed to build on MY LAND, MY FAMILY,, MY PEOPLE, WHO KNOW in their hearts, the Christians, that I should be set free and led out of Chicago to where I am needed, can take care of my family, write, and be with religion students who wish to learn from me.   I am no guru, and if you worship me I will have to tell you that you have made me another false ICON.   GOD DESERVES WORSHIP JUST TO HUMBLE HUMANS.   He knows this, and for this reasons has kept this around in the various reliigions.....\\\\

I am here to write the scriptures of the End Times, a GOLDEN RULE PRODUCTION.... 

I pray that fhose who heard the siren call went running to the proper people to find out what they cdo, now, to stop the enemy from operating like the class war is over and they have won.... NO, THE CLASS WAR IS JUST STARTING, AND WE ARE GOING TO SURPRISE YOU....  show you what happpens when you corner ninety nine percent of the population to please one percent.

THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR.   READING MY NOTE REVOLUTIONARY TACTICS,, you will see the vague outline of what will happen, and even whatt phase I believe they should start, though I am not privvy to a lot of intelligence because they cannot scare me into silence.

I wish I COULD speak to a lot of people, FEY iis one of them, as are many others who because very involved....  colbert and stewart I still pray are not my enemies but thia is their choice, they have seen what has happeneddd. Do not forget.

I always thinjk of that Hozier song which was a cia production CHURCH, meant to stop the religious movemenbtn started around me, and to warn that confessions would et killled in these times.... and must have gotten people murdered by FAKE CHRISTIANS, WHO EMPODY THE EVANGELISTS, and all who get rich from religion,    The Vatican should sell their land and stop hunger, etc.....\\

Let us hope they are like zuckerberg, giving away ninety nine percent of his two hundred and two hundred and foty five BILLION dollars to charity...

TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE EBEMY.....  not innocent people who run tiny stories, immigrants from all over who can buy cheap in this neighborhoo....\

I cannot fathom the hatreds that develope from killing and having closse associates kiilled.   I dealt in sending soldiers after people...  trying to make people fearme so they would not attack me, when they say they got info about a bomb, I am just like, SOUNDS GOOD TO ME....  use it.

I no longer expect to change anyone's opinions.   I was able to get across a bit message that got across and responded to....   So at least i KNOW that the underground is able to access my words.   I get asked questions that the wrong answer could lead to the murder...

Take care, those out in the fighting.   I pray you will find peace, here or above... 

The entry before this lays out the plan....  and while this will be filtered through the mlitary, underground, etc.... before they take action..... if this be Go's will, so be it....

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