Thursday, March 29, 2018


I have seen two ways he has slammed me in his work.   My reaction to this initially was being pissed, feeling like after all I sacrificed and demanded the Jews be left alone, I am blamed by the CIA mouthpieces like Grogan.   I thought of him today after watching something on comedy central, which is very deep state.   They had black dynamite, in a race war, which was a car race...  which is a comparison that is still used.  Colors are the dominate way of distinguishing who is who.  Brown, nazi's, blue, cops...  purple, royalists--  I was associated with purple and yellow.  I am yellow, but I do not want to be royalty.  I mean, there were times when I would do anything to help, or whatever, but I sure as hell never in my wildest dreams thought of being a king.  I obviously particularly despise theocracies, monarchies come next, even if they are supposed to not be influential like the queen of england.

Grogan used how the apocolyptic vision I had, which terrified a lot of people who believed I am a supernatural creature, the Christ.   I am not sure why they all believe this, though they do.   I have been a very moral guy most of my life though lying was always a problem for me.  I almost think this was inserted in me, I tried so hard to stop, praying everday, even going over my days at night to find out if I had lied....and almost always there was no reason.   Or to avoid some stupid blame that I should have just owned up to.  But when it came time to lie to get out of jail or serious trouble, or seduce women in my youth, I lied with the best of them, as I did with the spies.  Mostly when they were filming me, if they ever stopped I would be surprised but I would rather they see my real life than the imagined one they had for me.

After six years of being filmed everywhere, and masturbated by my wife in front of the tv...  I know you had already seen everything, but the masturbation set off hell on earth for some.   This is what it took to break the grip of illusion I was living in, when all of a sudden the tv hated me and talked about this.   I could not believe they were only know doing something like this....  you were filming me in the bathroom, had seen this before.   My life and the tv disconnected.   I cannot get this across, but if you lived for years, and the tv said one thing and your life another, would you not think some head game was being played?   I seemed to have friends and enemies.  Someone kept having car wrecks, and I THOUGHT it was because I was doing something wrong, and prayed these were fake reports.  THE SAME with the train, dinosaurs, almost any image you gave me, once I realized there was blood involved, I could barely stand to watch or be reminded of them.   I watched shows with them on, children's show, under the ridiculous illusion that this would be easier for people to contact me...

Johnathon Winters and Robin Williams -- who more than likely died because he was talking about how his next tour was being censored, and he, like most in entertainment, had taken sides in the vital battle for this world, and life.   Once one realizes the stakes, there really is no other game in town that matters.  At least to me.  I know now of great evil, and stupid chaos, killing people over their religions, races, political beliefs, and....  just to recruit their children into child armies.  A perfected method.   For a psycho or a fight to the death you must be willing to do anything, which is why my family gave me over for Operation Bluebeam.  I have never even thought much about that name, but of course the idea of the blue eyed devil came up one day.... and the jokes channel 7 here, a very evil group, some...  someone said kill everyone we blue eyes... and the weather girl reacted in anger, screaming I HAVE BLUE EYES....  I had no clue they were actually killing people when they made dark humor jokes....

So along comes Josh Grogan and many others who know a lot more about what happened than I do... and they are willing to place the blame on me, because otherwise they would have to look at what they are doing, the totally evil fucks do not even care they're lifestyles are killing the planet.   Regardless, good people seem to have good reasons to hate me.  Well, mistaken reasons, or they are put up to it.  Since I know Grogan did two cia movies...  the one about north korea, for God's sake... talk about a lack of artistic integrity.   They get angry at me for what they saw on a fucking illegal webcam....   that I hated and was subjected to.  I had no idea there would even be a reaction, other than me once again saying QUIT WATCHING ME... SOME THINGS ARE X RATED.   I did not mean I do x rated, I meant off limits.

What took off from there, with the cops attacking the bears, was a travesty. NO ONE HAD THE BALLS BLACK OR WHITE OR YELLOW TO JUST COME UP TO ME AND TELL ME WHAT WAS GOING ON SO I COULD ACT APPROPRIATELY?   Yes, you tried to tell me ways to live, but I had one rebellion, and that was living as I would... trying to ignore the cameras.

Now Rogan has made me out to be an idiot in Preacher.  And he had the Jesus show his penis.   Again, after years of being filmed, and once walking naked by good morning america when I did not think about it, or was pissed....  I know they will say anything except actual truth.   They will not tell you anything except what they did.   What I did was entirely different.   I take responsibility for some of the death, I did not intend to build a religious army, however.   My belief in myself being Jesus seemed like a private issue, after a few years.   I wrote two women and thought them the sum of the people I admitted this to.  Occasionally, like with the changing of the Pope, I would be starkly reminded my words meant something, at least in Rome, back then.

They blame me for not knowing they were at war with England.   I was criticizing the queen but I sure as hell never wrote anything about attacking england.   I hate BP.  Like any big oil company they have abused humanity, the planet, etc...   However, should I have known there was a reason, I would have at least have been able to make a decision?   Was this piracy?  If it was pure Piracy, for the hell of it...  I did not get into this to steal, and had that money burned to make the point.  CHRIST IS BIGGER THAN MONEY, WHAT WAS GOING MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than anyone other than I realized at times, I thought.   Maybe you had another purpose?   Regardless, I would never let my soldiers be slaughtered.   I have to forgive everyone, remember they were as filled with lies and brainwashed as I was....

Thank God I did not become the leader of the world, with the little I knew I would have been a puppet.  I still was later, just someone elses'....  or people really did believe that I would give orders by putting out a lobster.   WHY WOULD I WANT PEOPLE TORTURED?   Why for God's sake?   I kept thinking afterwards, HOW COULD THEY THINK JESUS WOULD WANT THIS??????   In my mind, especially back then, this is who I was.  To me.  I do not know what kind of apparatus had to be in place to make all of this happen, but fifty five plus years of planning, all kept from me, a central figure, is PROOF THEY WERE USING ME.

I wanted people to have the exact opposite of what people got....  I wanted free will, demanded it even if you were going to bug me, and I took all of my anger out on you....  never understanding it would be taken as more than blowing off steam, from a man who life was mad....

I am often accused of hearing about deaths and seemingly not reacting to them at all, giving the impression I do not care..  The opposite is true.  To continue on with this struggle I have to put aside the numbers, the pain.... remember souls are freed, and while the living may hate me for a bit, that hardly matters to an immortal.   So when I think of all the people who died after I masterbated on screen, I am sorrowful for the ones who were hurt by this, but at the same time, I would not have ever discovered what is going on in this country, that I was being worshiped...    I had to learn those things to finally discover what was happening.   Can any of you imagine being me at all?  You think you can and see in 20 20 what you could have done...  I do, too.   Though I also see again and again, God stepping in to make sure that those who were using me, were destroyed, one way or another.

I NEED TO FORGIVE EVERYONE before I can expect those who have been hurt, yet are misdirecting their anger, and thus missing the point altogether in who they should be fighting, convinced by the CIA bullshit.

Like this black dynamits show having a black cia agent helping him, when the CIA were fighting the blacks in the race war.  I guess they insert this lie into another generation.....   I wanted to work with these people, write shows with them, but my role in this world was larger than I could have imagined, since I did not know about the secret world, with all the different powers.

Anyways, I am not going to buy into the Jewish hatred of me, or any of it.  Grogan is a no talent idiot who went along with the dark forces for fame and fortune.  He has half my brain and a tenth of my talent, but none of that matters...  I was chosen for my role, he for his.

I have to stop letting these people get get to me.  My anger will be interrupted by their stereotyping, uneducated, idiotic minds.   I do not why the Jews want me as an enemy?   We should be working together, as should all working class people, or people who believe in justice, etc.   I know a lot of Jews used to, and have to believe most people everywhere want this.   Individuals always defy stereotypes, unless they do not.

I cursed the Tribune after they put out a shitty article about me, and now they are almost gone... the sun times, THE UNION paper here in town, has taken over from the right wing asses.    This happened after I wrote THE DEATH OF THE UNIONS WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL.  That night they reported that the communists would back the unions.   OF COURSE IN THE CORP. VERSUS UNIONS BATTLE I AM UNION.   ON THE RIGHT WIN VERSUS LEFT, I AM LEFT.   I am green, for all intents and purposes, I am just not sure peaecful means will get us there, or that conventional politics is of any use at all at this point, except to service a few at the top.

And keep the rest of us content with next to nothing..

Today on netflix, where I also saw the jessica jones character kill someone based on me, they just announced they had josh groden in 2018....  as long as I am an enemy of this government, television and song will lie about me, make me a scapegoat.   They will not live long enough to hear the whole story.   Fifty years.  If the same people are in power they will never release it.

Hollywood knows that I know they are collaborators with the enemy.   When I found out the leftest who I believed in had gotten involved in a race war....   this was the Jessica Jones thing too, she killed a black woman and then he could no longer control her.   The truth is I found out they were killing blacks and went after whoever I could to stop it....  but I knew nothing back then, what I was hearing made no sense.   How could such a thing happen and to this day....

they sent one connection, and I could never trust him, though I got a lot of intel from him.   Mostly when he did not mean to.   I was describing this long vision one day and he comes walking into my house going, the vision, the vision....    I do not know if he is all into this belief or not?   I always feel no one does, but I cannot shake the feeling that I am Jesus, though he is nothing like people think....

I did tell you that if you treated me like shit, my Father would treat you like shit.   I told you I would not have to do a thing.....  and it happened.  This is part of why I kept waking up and saying THIS IS GOD,,,, after you finally let me in on the mayhem.

I do not understand the mentality of people who think others have all the answers, even a creature with powers that you would think God Like, only because you are so ignorant of how incredibly awesome God actually is.   I used to feel like I was this bit of God that fits into the form, and has the knowledge that fits in a human head.   I am exalted on many planets...  if you begin to understand space goes on forever you begin to understand there is life form after life form....   planets in all sorts of stages of evolution.   The vastness though makes physical contact between beings rare, and more likely to take place with microbes on asteroids than spaceships, of course.  When one is in soul, you can go anywhere quicker, with nothing except your conscious and your curiosity and the warm feeling of the love of God.

There is a commercial here that shows who is with me/....  it used to always have penguins, for the mexicans, and now a black guy, and the latest three women.   I pray the women are those who fought from the beginning.  They deserve the win.   Trump may give it to them.

Another show I have wondered if it had anything to do with me was CULT on american horror story.   I am no trump supporter, but I did call myself the God of many masks.  I did not have people around me calling me divine but there were behind my back.    They are right, but they will not find me but barely in the bible.

I forgive you Grogan for being wrong.   You are reacting like that idiot comedian tried before bobcat goldwaith, to go over the fall guy.   I will not allow anyone to create stereotypes in my mind....   I hated seeing david cross come out and make a joke about jews being involved in international banking and getting ready to live in holes.   Totally not what I was writing about, that Jews would live in the DUMBS,  I do not know who they will choose, but Jews did not seem that high on their list from what I could tell, but I have never made that association.

International banking is the problem of a few individuals, not all Jews.   I know he does not say this like this by accident, he says this because it makes me look ridiculous..... however, I am not.   They may end up fighting against me, if they decide to side with a religion over the class war. I would hate to see that happen.

Sarah Silverman, you made me crazy angry when one of the few people I thought I was friends with did what you did, though I get it.... but I have to open myself to working with everyone, because I have no clue who has done what, etc.   If what I propose  will not work, a class war where what people think is their own business, as long as their actions are not from stereotyping.

I may have problems with the government of Israel, and anyone who does not is a heartless fuck, in my opinion.   They believe a religious lie that all books say is an excuse to be in the middle east stealing land.  This is insane.   I am not going to change my opinion  to curry favor from anyone.   The Jews who feel the same way I do  get it, and they are the ones who have to know I will fight for religious freedom, a two state solution -- and payments for stolen land, etc...  if it is ever my fight, and in a way it is, because the USA backs them.   This may have been vital once, but now we have destroyed the middle east opposition and put in dictators.  They call this winning a war.   Because they can get a few oil contracts.

Regardless, I have to remember Grogan taught me how I was being looked at....    I think he should stop messing with Christianity.  If he does I will leave him alone, if not.   Like Frannco, he will be brought down.   You do not realize that my side wins in the end.  Keep being the CIA's but boy, the high living will never make up for the hell you will earn in the end. 

Television in general, what you folks were put through is mind boggling, and again, the people who planned all this were total psychos...  I played on one tv.  Quite a difference in the real world.

I will never lose so much of my humanity that I would be able to stop myself from beating this guy to a pulp, killing his family and shit in front of him.....   that is who I am.   I will never do it though.  And I CERTAINLY DO NOT want anyone else to either.

So, you can take this how you will.   I will basically just ignore your work and that is the end of it, for now, though I know which side you are on.   Using the Jew card is not enough to get you a free pass in the class war.  I was tricked into working with the CIA too, and I am sure there are people there who deserve better words than I have for them at this point.   My dealings with them made me think they were insane or without leadership.  All of you who looked to me for leadership, when I did not know you existed, or that all these people were watching me, believed a lie, just like I did.   Until we really get control of tv and the movies, this country is fucked.  Disney is going to put super hero movies out there with their subtle messages, or the CIA and royalty and nazi thinking.

Well that is all I wanted to say after seeing that ugly asshole's face and wanting to beat him to a pulp...    I have to stop caring.  Even though I understand why they are mad, I am not accepting it.  Period.   I am aloud to say whatever the fuck I want, do whatever the fuck I want in my own apartment, and etc....  when people tried to take this from me, I did not let them. 

SO, get over yourself, you are not some big warrior, if you think that, as others probably do, you are just a tool of the CIA, and that is not going to be a very good place to be very, very soon.

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