Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The God OF Many Masks... The One.... I AM.

I am working on a book about a revolution, where a creature similar to myself is the center.  A game plan-- no, I do not want to pretend I am qualified for that. I read this today   "Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."
1 Corinthians, 18, 19

As usual, I opened the bible at random.  The first passage I came to said the lamb must be sacrificed and a trembling started in my soul.  I turned to the new testament, which I tend to find most revelatory, and found these words.   Only by playing the fool could I learn what those who consider themSELVES wise consider their truth.   I also understand how the wisdom of God makes foolishness of all we hold dear on this planet.  The visions I had were nothing from this world.... make no sense in science--my old God, who at leastt knew to throw out the old salt.

Throwing out the old salt.  Everytime I write this vital line, I remember a cia killer, the one who told me DONT TELL THEM ABOUT THE BONES, which meant nothing to me because I knew nothing about any bones, though it makes sense there would be bones now that I know they were killing off those who were following me religiously, without my knowledge, following a person who thought he was at war with the whole world...  a fool.  Confused.  A creature I certainly never meant to be a role model, or for people to look for wisdom from....  too late to go back and change any of that, not that I would.  I trust that God caused to happen what happened.  He broke you with a steal rod, as prophessied.   The killer also said to me, WE HAD TO GET RID OF THE OLD SALT.   The old salt I told him meant prophesy that was no longer relevant.

THIS was just before I was started being held responsible for the deaths of blacks.  When I told them to  take whatever money they had -- they always talked about money, though I had none, and did not know who the hell had any.   They immediatly accused me of putting monetary value on life -- I who turned down millions and millions because it was associated with lies, theft and blood.  How they misjudged me, how they lied about me, how they misinterpreted me.   I know now how they hate religion, how I once did myself.   Lies, lies, lies -- from those who call themselves holy.

Now I realize the old salt were humans they murdered.  No details for to write now... in fifty years, if man is still around, or sooner, actually, because the only way or this planet to survive is for me to win, and I will open the records.  Not to make trials for the powerful.  I do not want seiges of the elite all over the planet, I want them to accept an honorable surrender that saves lives on all sides.  I want the bloodshed to end today..... though that is not going to happen.  i HAVE KNOWN all along this would be a bloody process, theoretically, though that is so different than the truths of the blood.  The killers and the dead both as damaged.   The dead the lucky ones, though I will never convince people of that, most.... thank God I do not have to.   Believe as you will, though it would be helpful if they would come around to the golden rule, pitch in and help.

I think of what I used to write when it was all fictional to me, pretending I had this power and these forces, feeling like that was a truth when I was in the fictional, stoned trance I have trained myself into using, then coming back down to earth afterwards every time to a filthy apartment, a seemingly loveless life, a world that was self destructing around me, and never getting any better.

I need to address the brown shirts.   I need allies to fight the darkside of the zionists.  NO ONE ENSLAVES THIS PLANET.  That tiny country is causing so many problems on this planet that I cannot see how I could not accept allies who will help me put a stop to this.   I have to tell you that I do not believe in supramists of any sort, not by lineage, geography, intelligence, physical health, age... none of that.   I will fight people who try to put such things into practice.  I will work with you to stop the take over, and then you can believe as you believe, I do not want your minds, but I have to have the assurance that there will be Jews who are left alone.  I do not believe that stereotyping is going to be seen as anything other than bad thinking by the future, which I speak of and wish to stop qualifying from now on that it may not exist at all.

The enemies I am going after have nothing to do with what religion they have been, other than this is the mask they are wearing in this time, in the past they were romans, and about every other group you can think of, always a group that takes itself to be superior because of the advent of some new weapon that puts their forces above the others for a short while.  Over and over... the history of weaponery is the history of humynkind.   We have a weapon now that they have in abundance.  They can end the world, we can probably do the same.... take out the atmosphere.  Nukes around volcanoes, on the ocean floors where the continents meet, strung along the great fault lines...  I do not like to think of the day that our enemy 'wins' only to learn that is their only real way of losing.  The irony.

You ask me why I would now say to the English that I do not want to harm them, after all your efforts... and my only answer is that I did not know you were taking my words so seriously.  i did not know the extent of the chaos.  I did not know when xrt kept playing the Clash's Should I stay or should I go, the lines there will be trouble if I stay, trouble if I go... was a question.   I did not want trouble in the senses they were caused.   I wanted ....  change.  I did not know how to get it so I wrote about revolution.  My heart and soul are less enamored of that phrase at this point.   I am much more interested in working together, but I still have my terms, and I still leave it to you to build your bridges to me... though I will greet you with love and warmth when you get here.

The bridge is simple, we work on the problems together, based on the idea that everyone is equal, and the poor, the aged, the young, and the weak are all to be blessedly taken care of.   Each according to his need.  I know this is how the higher levels of existence work, and to bring heaven to earth will require bringing this love into manifestation.   I do not mean to sound like a hippy.   I see piles of bodies in the future.  I see my people victorious, and I see the planet burned black, with skies of fire reigning down bloody rain on a lifeless landscape.  I see a world where humans have retreated into huge cities, glorious and self sufficent, recycling, and the forests growing once more, the animals once more living in their simple patterns, with man a shadow who moves among them as caretakers and observors, nature watchers....

Have you ever wondered why people take pictures of everything, when there are already perfect pictures by professionals of the same things?   I think they are trying to prove to themselves they are there....   to spur on memories of who they were once....  I cannot look at my old pictures of who I was without remembering contexts of horror.   Perhaps in the future I will have days I can remember without horror... instead of the old me... the oblivious me... and the bewildered, blood covered, monster in waiting.

Know I am not your enemy, no matter who you are, unless you insist on making me so.  I have prayed and prayed to forgive all who have hurt me, and I cannot let this stupidity of pain and vengence and hatred fill me and stop my mission.  The mission directive has to be all I care about in the end, even if I have to let God take care of most of that, and you.... those of you who have survived must either be the toughest mo fo's on the planet, or the most blessed warriors....  though I mean no denigration to those who have passed.  Your burden will be greater than theirs.  That is what still being alive means.   You will always be oppressed in my name.  The bringer of bad news for the elite is always shot.  They kill the messagers, but the message lives on... I am the message.

I will comment on this election only to say that I pray that whoever wins will be effected by God in great and wonderous ways.   I do not hate or love either of them.   I have written the usual negative things I do about both of them, I suppose...  but know I do not really consider who wins significant, though I am very much on the side of immigrants, especially the undocumented.  I will never abandon you, even if you have turned your back on me.  This is who I am and that cannot be changed.  iam sorry YOU had to put up with my ignorance, and I do not envy anyone who had to defend the creature you saw on your webcams.  That was mostt often not me at all.  The idea that children watched me will never bode well for those who allowed that, but that is their blot to get over. 

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