Monday, July 11, 2016

i SEE THE IRISH are showing interest


Find your real traitors, the ones who blamed my sending the british in on you, when I did not even know you were fighting them, and police your own damn ranks.   I have nothing against you as I have shown from the beginning.   Our families go way back and I respect this, however, I do not respect what you have done.   I am not here to settle old scores, and if you are than we have nothing more to talk about then your staying the fuck out of our way.   You know I am right about this battle being economic and you should have realized by now I have no love for the monarchy, but that applies to all of them. ...  we need a fair, economic system.  If we have to take that world wide, then I will have nothing to do with it.  Soverign countries are the only way to protect freedom of the individual, freedom of cultures, and you should know that by now.   I love my country more than you love yours....   I can guarantee you that and NO ONE takes it over.  Not the british, not the irish, not the russians, not the chinese, not the french... NO ONE.   I feel the same way about your countries.  You deserve FREEDOM TO LIVE WITHOUT THE THREAT OF WAR TAKING ALL THE MONEY AND RESOURCES that need to go to the common people.   I was warned about distancing myself from you because of reasons I will not bring up --EVER.   I did not approve.  Getting over racism is not a moral imperative, it is the only way to win this war.  That goes for the cops, too.

I am not going to expose some of what you did.   I will however not take the blame for mistakes your friends in the CIA MADE.  I NEVER RAN THE CIA.  If I had, kill them all would never have became the mantra of the templers.  I never ran one damn thing that I knew about well enough to police, or I would have, and we would have already won this damn war.  But you kept me out of the loop, left in a position where I could not reveal what I do know and what I don't.  When the ghosts came to me years ago and warned me that I would be pivotal in something I should not go along with, and destroy by any means necessary, I took that gun and I .... and we....  and you know just what the fuck I am talking about, though I have not told you the half of it, and I never will.  We took measures so I do not even remember some of what is going to happen........ the son is not told when the father will act.  In this case, the son was not told what all the father will do, though the son knows his part.

You want to fight, do it right.   Specific targets.  Fear instilled in their hearts by whatever you have to do, but I did not even fucking know enough to betray anyone, let alone who should live or die.

If you think I would have destroyed the fish than you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME.   I do not harm the innocent without a damn good reason.   I forgive ANYTHING with redemption.   I washed you off with wahlburgs 40 attempts to get rid of his irish tattoo.   I did not even know what this was about.   I know that war with me means slaughter, and it always has, and it always will... that does not mean I care for it one bit, nor does it mean indiscriminate killing, nor does it mean terrorism.  Terrorism is the tactic of the enemy.   I do not want the sheep to even know what the sheperd is for...  get me?

I thank the other countries that are coming in.   The Irish have connections with the Palastinians and I word gotten to them that we are going to save them, and if they can hold out awhile longer we will bring in good neighbors, Jewish people who want peace, not mad dog supremists.   We shoot those down no matter what their religion is....\

I was set up by ben with those fucking irish cia murderers who were taking out fish at the beach.  I had no idea what they were up to, or I would have never in my life had anything to do with them.... and AFTER I DID I got weed from them and tried to figure out what the hell they were up to.   I wish you would take them out as a show of good faith but I am beyond thinking honor is among the words most people in this world understand.

AFTER YOUR USE of that webcam to set me up as the instigator of mass murder among innocent christians it is damn hard to even address you again.   We are not east and west, dammit, we are 99 percent of the human population being preyed upon by a small elite that is going to genocide most of your asses in your sleep.... did they promise you a place on the list?   How far do you think you can trust them?    I sure as hell learned the words in the BIBLE -- TRUST NO HUMANS.   You have a lot of making up to do, but I can make peace with the blacks.   I am not abandoing the whites, ever.   I know there are too many innocent people out there to blame for the sins of a few.   The sins of the past are the sins of the past.   I offer you a chance to redeem yourself and be forgiven....  but the order of those words is very, very important.   I never knew what you did for me, though I sure as hell understand why you hate the english, but again, those were the policies of the elite, not the policies of the English people.   I am mostly English and German and I am proud to be both.  I am proud of the Native American in my system, I am proud of the ameoba who began this long journey, the fish that ate the smaller fish, the ape that took control of the tribe and begat my genes...   I am proud of what I have done to preserve life thus far.   If not for me, this would be a very different world and most of you would be dead..  DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF I HAD LET YOU MURDER OBAMA?   MAYBE YOU WANTED THE RACE WAR THAT WOULD HAVE ERUPTED but I do not, and there will ALWAYS BE A PART OF ME THAT WANTS OUR commander and chief to be on my side....  I was an idiot about this once, brain washed since birth like most here in this country.

I made mistake after mistake because of my own inability to believe what you were doing, and then because I did not have enough intelligence.   I ordered attacks on people who were my friends, not even realizing...  you may be dogs, but there are fucking people in this planet who like both, though not everything about either.   We can agree to disagree.  I DO NOT DICTATE TO PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE, ESPECIALLY ON THE LITTLE BIT I KNOW.   Our enemies know the strength I would have with good intelligence.   I suggest you find a way to get it to me so i can make peace with the blacks before the elite pushes their agenda to bring federal cops in here and it ends on american soil, all chance of freedom for this country and the west.  ACCEPT HELP FROM THE EAST AND RUSSIA but damn well remember I am an american and I live to protect the soldiers here... and all soldiers.   You should know me well enough by now to know I would not order people to do things I would not do.

That includes suicide.  That is the last thing I want anyone to do....  unless it is their choice on the field of battle.  We can deal with the population problem, and that will be draconian and by any means necessary, but we will do this with peoples permission, thru teaching them the truth, not the methods of the elite who are currently killing off what they consider useless feeders.  THERE ARE NO USELESS PEOPLE....   I LIVE FOR THE EYES OF GOD, which is why I did not break when you irish turned all the world against me, then sent fucking will ferrell out to say I left the british to attack our soldiers.   I was surprised there even were soldiers.   The race war kept the blacks from allowing me intelligence, except thru the tv, and you can only garner so much from the one or two sentences tossed out to keep the sheep from knowing what is going on.

I love your fighting spirit, I respect what you have gone thru with the English, but I will not be a party to harming people simply because they were born under that system.  Most of them would be your allies if they knew you were targeting the fucking tories and the monarchy.   We may even need the monarchy for what I know.   I do not even know enough about them to care that much, other than any monarchy is my enemy.  Saudi Arabia's is the worst, and Israel is turning theorcratic, which surprisingly I am very much against.  A republic democracy with socialistic underpinnings, which provide safety nets, and stop the increasing monopolies on information.

I WANT AN INFORMED PUBLIC AS SOON AS POSSIBLE... but I do not want the panic and blowback of killing a politician.  They are puppets and you know it.  I want the people stuffing money in their pockets, I want monsanto and bp and dupont and the vaccine pushers...  and I want the families to allow this.   I DO NOT WANT TO BE KING.   The visions I have of what come after this life make the idea of ruling here laughable.  This is a piss ant country, on a piss ant continent, in a piss ant world in a piss ant universe in a piss ant cosmos, compared to what I know...  but it is ours, and we are obliged to fight for the piss ant country, planet, cosmos.... WE HAVE AN OBLIGATION.   You learn to live in the eyes of God instead of Man and the blessing will be crown enough, money enough, motivation enough to redeem yourself.

I do not mean in any way that I care about will ferrell or want him hurt.  He is acting on the same lies as the rest of you.  All those years I believed you had the tv and the movies and all I had was bitching at spies and my blog.   You invaded my house with those cameras.   I would never have allowed such a thing.  GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS...  and I have to forgive you for this, but that comes with redemption.

I will create hells for all who rise against me, and I will bury most of them.  Know this well.   I wrote on facebook the other day that I will do this by myself if I have to, and within a half an hour a commercial came on saying no man can save the earth by themselves...  I got the reference... but you made the mistake of thinking I am a common man.  A mistake you human beings will make until the time comes for God to make me act.  

SCIENCE OR MYSTICISM...    I can make you hurt, or I can make you dead.. we will see who is right...  I am curious myself at times...   I do not go around thinking as anything except a human, the son of man, who knows there is a God and that he has blessed gotten me this far, and I doubt there is one of you who could have done what I have done, because I acted on the orders of a God, not on the plans of a man.  PLANS DO NOT SURVIVE BATTLES...  this is WHY I once said this war is like Jazz, and it is...

I will not be addressing you again on this topic, because I RATHER more trust the mexicans and christians and even the freemasons, who I hope to God know I still want their help, and am very, very anxious to know why they chose me.   I do not care who they ultimatly worship, because satan and god and cats and dogs and buddhas and...  it makes no difference to me, unless it makes you a sick fucking pedophile or .....   a genocidal maniac.

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