Sunday, July 10, 2016


I have been called many things, and you have been told many things about me.   I wish some of them were true, like magical powers to heal, etc...  though death is part of life, and I believe this is why God gave us doctors.   The healing powers assigned to the magicians of old...  I do not believe them, essentially, unless you take into account psychology and all that.   I could be wrong.

I may drop occasionally into referring myself by the name that many know me by, Jesus, but this does not mean to refer that I think I am someone special.  Surely not as special as others think of me.  The only visions God has given to me that struck me as miraculous and beyond possible imagination, which I let run wild at first, because the idea that I was Jesus, however brainwashed that awakening was, opened me up to the possibility that I could know all kinds of things.  Some I said knowing they were not true, because I felt I was in a psychological war with the world.  Others I hoped to be true.  I think at other times I was trying to deal with the death around me, and giving the best spin on what I saw as tragedies, and which I could not deal with properly given the state of mind that was thrust upon me. 

I have already been trolled by once person on facebook where I opened this blog.  If you try to start trolling this blog, I will do my best to have you killed.  That is the only warning you will get.  If you try to repress this blog from reaching the right people, again, I give my okay for every holy warrior on the planet to take you out in the worst ways possible.

This blog is not meant to ease my conscious, or try to tell you I am a great person.  This blog is meant to let those of you who feel like shit for ever fighting for me to know...  I did not want this.   I was not in control in any ways that I understood.  A very good example would be the prosperity ministers, and possibly their congregation, who were killed.  I was criticizing them in the hope that people would not seek them for spiritual advice.  I had no way of knowing that the results would be as they were.  I would never have placed this burden on you.

The people who used One War as a methodology of raising an army, I am sorry that this was done, and feel horrible for the injured, recruited, dead, and the soldiers who did these actions.   This may have won us the war for awhile, and at a certain age, perhaps fourteen, I can see in a last ditch effort to change this country being used.   I am however adamantly against pedophilia.   I do not care what kids do among themselves, that is their business, but adults must find it in their souls to know that innocence is not something they get to steal if they want to work with me, and indeed, anyone who breaks these rules should be summarily executed.

The slave keepers, well... that is just beyond the pale.   I did come here to tell you to release dangerous criminals, though drug dealers without non violent records should be released in mass... and people who did crimes in their childhood who were tried as adults is a travesty to me.  Life long incarceration is cruel and unusual punishment for most people.   They need a conduit to society that allows them to work and live a good life, and I cannot blame them for re offending without this.  I sure as hell WOULD.

THE criminals who used my statements about insurance, which I meant my ability to turn this city to radioactive dust -- a religious belief I hold dear, as well as the belief that I can destroy this planet, and will if my Father makes this judgement.  That is not my call.  The city's fates are not my call, either... you know how to make this happen.   If you choose to do so, it will happen.  This is a faith I HAVE, not a confession of any sort...  or  a threat.  The last thing I want to do is have a war with you people.

I believe we are going to have to cleanse the government.  Things like the Clinton's having sex tapes and black mail on everyone in the government is because they are all corrupt.  The only way to make this work is to give them amnesty if they resign, and seal the files. 

Back to what I resent the most.  The filming of me, and the one sentence I heard about classes about me... and the thinking that I would want any of these things.   I think of the dr. who episode that had the english killing marines and being homophobic...   and I want to hate them, but I understand now... AND have proven to you again and again that the side of Justice and God was not what you were told it was.   I did not mean to be a traitor to any of you... there is a part of me that feels love for all who came to my side, even if for the wrong reason.

I did not like that Jews were being targeted.   I did not understand the scope of the villany involved in that front, but this would not have changed my attitude on targeting the average person.

Doctors...  I was totally out of it when I ranted against doctors.   I know there are problems in that community as there are in all of them, but once again, I would not have asked you to harm them.  Just who would I have said harm them?   The problem was I knew too little to say any of that.  I knew so little when I protected the CIA that... if I had known what they had done, I would certainly have wanted them fired.  If I had known why bush asked me about the boarder, I would have probably told him to open it as well, but not for a war with the whites, or the blacks.  I grew up around white people and most of my friends have been white people and in a race war I will be on the side of justice, not the side of black people or white people.   EO WILSON was right, I feel enraged at the thought of whites being harmed for being white... but I also hate the idea of anyone being harmed for the color of their skin.

I would not have had you start churches to me.   I would have had you start a religion that attempted to change other religions, as I WILL DO.  This is my primary mission.  To protect the weak, to give voice to the voiceless, and build a society where the individual is respected, and the collective has more power than they do now.  These are not mutually exclusive.  Our problem has stemmed from our leadership coming from a rich, ruling class that looks at the world differently than the rest of us.

The free mason's have helped me in ways I do not understand.   I do not care who people worship, or if they are Christians or not, and I pray that they are trying to help this world.  They wanted me for reasons I hope are religious.  I do not know what they think I am, and this does not matter to me.  I do not want to make enemies with them over somethting I read on the internet.  SAME WITH THE JEWS.  I have done a lot of writing not knowing what the response would be.  There are things I would take back, but you know what... God has led me into places a mere angel would fear to go -- I AM NOT AN ANGEL.  I AM NOT WHAT YOU THINK OF AS GOD.  I am the closest thing you are going to get on this planet, though, the son, the first among many in one sense.  A lot more is asked of me than you.  I do the jobs that I would not order a soldier to do, because I take the hardest jobs for myself, and that has meant incarnating into some terrible lives.  Tortures you cannot imagine for lengths of time too long for my memory to allow me to remember, though I feel them and know them.

I know I am interjecting things in here that may sound better in the God of many masks, but this blog is about putting it out there straight. 

I was warned about NAZI'S... and I never in my life would have thought we had anything in common, but it sure set the Jews off when I wrote the simple line that I would even work with Nazi's to get my mission completed.   I did not mean this as a statement of anything more than my fervor at the time, but I did work with nazi's by accident at one time...  and I fought that.   I fought all of you at one time or another, in a way...   I did not know better.  What you were doing sounded lke the works of satan himself.

I said once that the idea of lucifer may have come from my enemes, when I killed off many of them, or whatever....  every military leader in the world is a saint or a sinner depending on who wins.   I said many things, and I do not wish to go over all of this again and again...  just throwng this out there.

My message the underground and above is this...  the clintons want a race war, and they may even want a nuclear war of some sort or another....  maybe they think they are better off living underground for thousands of years, breeding super beings or whatever, I have no idea.

The FBI has failed again.  I do not think they  have the power they need, or I could be wrong.   I trusted you guys for awhile, assuming it was you who did the interrogations but I also know there was a lot of people involved.  I do not go into that for reasons of security.

I asked people to go home and confess their sins and a song came out saying this caused them to be harmed.   I can only pray they had the sense to keep their confessions on the downlow in someway and there was not some slaughter.  I do not know.   I no longer trust the media, obviously.

Any of you can see how my writing has changed since learning what was real...  how I had effected the word, etc...  I was hesitant to write anything about revolution, after the people who had responded before, for good and bad.  Supernatural showed Castiel, the upstart angel who thought he was God, trying to enrich himself with all sorts of souls, and ending up with Dick Roman...   a carnivore..  at the time I had just heard about all this violence being real and I did niot want to fight ever again, or have anything to do with the people involved...  I wanted to teach religion somehow... or at least tell those who were interested in how I felt, knowing how I was viewed as Jesus by so many, and wanting to offer them some solace after all they had been thru.   My irrational angers still arose.  I remember one day blaming the gays for my not having children, which seems ridiculous now, but I never wanted women to think I am unavailable, especially during the time I no longer considered mary ann to be the person I would end up with.   I wanted out of my life.  Now I realize that I am married to her in the very real sense that I will stand by her no matter what, even if it means that our problesm preclude knowing one another...  in a way we once did.  My hopes for the future on this mater continue, not that this should matter to you.

I think by now the blacks should know that I do not want a race war, and will do everything in my power to stop one, and no longer consider me a hostage.... if not, they should get new leadership because I am one of the most valuable assets either side has.  One who will fight for justice on either side, though race itself never.

I do not know all of what was done in this race war... there were the trains.  I would not have sent it back to ny if I thought there was any other way to stop this.  

I sure as hell did not know who had money, who dispersed it, etc... or I would have made the nistake at some point or another of tainting my soul and credibility by accepting some.   I have so wanted to escape my fate....  Now I accept it.  WHAT WILL BE WILL BE and God has been right when I was wrong over and over.  This is what I have seen.  You may have an entirely different view.  WHEN I refused money after the first war, in 07, it was out of moral outrage.  When I later tried to bargain with you and get you to let me go live on an island, you put something up on facebook about fallen angels ask for money.

I am sorry people are considered fallen angels.   I have railed from the start that I am not an angel.  Angels can fall.   I cannot fall.  Angels can defy God.  I cannot.   He does not allow this, even when I have the compulsion to do so.  Only your unsophisticated ideas on human sexuality, fraught with freudian idocies and the prejudice of certain, usually hidden homosexual, men has caused this to be written into some of your bibles.

The times I backed the soldiers, and became brutally angry with our percieved enemies in the middle east, I realize now I was tricked.  You can trick me, but you will pay for that in the end.  Everyone who has harmed me has been hurt, or will be, by a force greater than I.  I will forgive you, most of you.... others I day dream of the hell I will place you in and am impatient for your death, others of you stand in the way of the path to justice, which is the only way you will save this planet... it will not be saved with lies, like the ones that the liberals support blacks when in reality they want to kill most of them, and only keep the elite.   You wanted me to choose who would live and die.  I can see why my writing that we would kill and kill and kill would most certainly lead you to this conclusion.  I still mean that.  I do not however wish that to be paramount, or for there to be randomn killing, or not giving people a chance to redeem yourself.... though I gave the bankers and elite this chance, and they pretended they would and then showed they cannot, they are simply too greedy.

I would reccomend at this point that we act and act smart..   I do not think you should try to hold ground.  The idea of hit and run is how a guerrila war is fought.  We go after the heads of the snakes, but we also smash the eggs in the nest to stop there from being more snakes.  The best way to do this is to take their money.   I do not care who does this, unless it becomes once more criminals enriching themselves thru ..... well, methods you know I do not agree with.

I sent out the word to attack you the very day I could have won everything.  THANK GOD.  Winning for a side that I did not even understand would have just given the world over to whoever was pulling my strings.   I regret that as the son of man, I understand the logic as the Son of God.  He would not allow me to be used to set up a criminal regime across the states, which would have spread world wide, with my friends in China and Russia.   I am a boy of the usa, and I love this country, and will defend its values with my life, as well as the right of the individaul, property, etc... unless those systems have been corrupted and need to be revamped, which they do.   Socializing banking will remove the criminal element, and they will work for the citizens rather than the stock holders.  They lost the right capitlalistically to contine when they failed.  The one socialist bank in the country had no problem at all.   You cannot even research this on the net anymore....

Funny, I start this to get all these things across to people who are involved, but I am so used to writing to people who know nothing about it, and the perimeters I have set up around these words to avoid more problems....

I understand now that the criminal element was essential to what happened around me, and that they did a service in a way....  again the methods, were simply beyond my way of thinking...  but I understand now that they have a place.  I have no idea how they feel about me at this point.   I backed off and left them alone and do not write about what I know.   I do this because I attacked everyone equally, and had I not, then they would have seemed like they were a primary ally that I would protect.   This was not why I did it at the time, but this has been the result.. that and a war between vegas and colorado.   I was angry at what was done in my name, and all this money I heard about that went to some family, which I was being blamed for....   I hated you people for this for awhile.  I am long past that point.   I offer you amnesty, and the ability to continue your activities minus slavery,  and the stupid crimes of protection, etc...  I WILL ALLOW YOU to put up legal casinos where ever you want.  IT is ridiculous for the states to hold these lotteries and then stop legalized gambling.  I do not wish to infringe on personal freedoms, I even believe that drugs and prosstition should be legalized and I have said again and again that your path toward giving your children legitmate lives where they can feel the self satisfaction and safety of knowing your children have lives they need not hide..

To those who went to Colorado, thinking I wanted a pogram, I can only pray that you redeem youself, and understand again that this emperor business is not my lot.  I am a man of simple tastes, and I AM NOT COMFORTABLE giving orders to people.   I find free thinkers are the best employees, people who simply do their job in a moral manner and know they can at any time, practically, refuse an order.  This may not apply in certain military situations.

I do not know if Obama was involved in the race war, or if the clintons took the other side.  I know it seems of utmost importance to you that I take the white side.  I will sure as hell never forget the day I watched newscasters on disney channel seven joking about killing everyone with blue eyes and the weather woman said HEY I HAVE BLUE EYES and I realized you were serious.  The things you said to me, they seemed like a godawful joke when I heard them, and I was trying to figure out what you were doing, but that day I knew you meant it and I lost it....  killing people with blue eyes.

WHAT SIDE DO YOU THINK I AM ON?   I am on MY SIDE.   Those who wish to build a bridge here better start on ROCK and not sand, money, or gold...  we will be oppressed.  Following me requires such things.

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