Thursday, March 2, 2017

the use of my life in operation bluebeam, my ressurection... and the NEW STONES beginning to move from my latest crudifixon

I am trapped in your perceptions, a fly in a web.  How ironic that I always wrote about this web around me, where anyone who came at me would be caught.  Part of the fiction of my life I thought, the dream world of the book I entered, that occasionally seemed to have some effect on what was reported on the news, or used in the plot of a tv show.   I did not know at the time that people were desperate to meet me, and I would have met them...   though I was conflicting on the point.

I cannot go back in time, so I explain this with my cosmology, God made better decisions than  I could and if I had known more I would have made worse decisions than I did.  My knowledge now is growing increasingly irrelevant.    I hope this means that the conflicts of stupidity have ended, though I also wish to maintain what power I have in case it is needed, to protect and serve, an old concept I was thought helped the cause.  I am not sure if they will make up for their sins or not, that is up to them.   My knowledge will never hurt them, and it remains to be seen if it will ever help them again.  Never look up to anyone.  They all fall.  You have yourself.  Period.

I had many of you at my debt and did not know, even the debts I would have never asked for.  I figured a responsible world would have utilized me properly, though you were too idiotic for that, your long terms plans broken, you would fall back on some just as cruel plan B.   I will not fight for any side except the one that is losing, because no one should win or lose.  WIN WIN WIN WIN... you asked me once why  I said this... and I had written this believing a new time was being entered.

Almost ten years ago now.  I do not know how you people deal with this, though I understand better now why you are all using so many drugs, and have to drink yourself into stupors to keep your sanity...   or whatever it is you call functioning in a dysfunctional killing machine.

I never quit.  That is not programmed into the winner.  I will rise from every fall, shake myself off, and as you made fun of so much once, skip off...  again, a reference in my mind that I did not bother to make sense of to the audience I did not think would care that much, let alone study my words for codes, or words of wisdom, or whatever. 

I never wanted any violence, and should have stopped when the first body fell...  though then there would just be more of the same.  I want what has been done to the masses, this theft, to be compensated for, if not prosecuted.   You do not want this because it could very well get you sent to hell a lot quicker than someone in your place would understand, had you such understanding.  Moloch will not save you from God, nor will any of your other false icons.
Too much has happened in that short amount of time to tell me that what  can be accomplished is more incredible than I could have imagined.   No matter what loss has come to those who would stop the military machine from imperialistic western interests from taking over the world....   we must continue.   From your secret societies you mist subvert.  They will only protect you so long and then you will be judged, after the adequate intelligence is supplied to me.... who is the only one I trust to advocate such an action, let alone give the final orders on carrying it out... which is not something I like to do.   You know better than me but in other ways you do not.  I am the moral compass and if I point away from your actions, do not follow them.

I do not know who is friend or foe or even why?   From this position you wish me to give up?   I know a couple friends, and they will have to be enough.   They have no reason to betray me, and every reason to keep me around.  As long as my enemies have no reason to come for me, they are safe for now... which is untenable with some.  I would have them removed from their power bases, removed from the forest for this road we are building out, from this world of lies the criminals have had to construct to hide their crimes..

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