Monday, March 27, 2017


You expect your racial war to be won by my insurance policy -- that is not going to happen.  I WILL NEVER be filled with the rage capable of being that monster if my fair city is attacked.   No one will win in a guerrilla war for this city against my force.

Some of you have no idea what you would be walking into/some expect nothing
others way too little

A message was played by throwing the song by the clash with the lines, if Ii stay there will be trouble, if I go there will be trouble....   I did not want the kind of troubles they had going at all, and would not have participated wherever I was.  Race wars are a divide and conquer tool.  People want the same things, and a few rich at the top can take all that away right now, and have...  we live in a world that should be progressing toward paradise, but our priorities got all messed up along the way, when vile men started profiting from war. 

I did not where to go and the idea of leaving Chicago, when I had no money and health problems...  there was always this assumption by people that I had money, which  I never did.   I was spending what I had staying stoned enough to deal with what was happening to me.  To ignore it.   To forget about it for long periods of time, when I could not see my place in the world.   When I was told I was hated I was surprised by whom and why?    I expected the right wing to despise me but I shared enough of their views that they did not.   I am at heart a liberal, and believe collectivism and being an individual is possible;   communes filled with artists certainly do not all think alike, disagree heartily on many things, etc....  they simply agree on the essential that mot do.   I do not at present think governments or citizens are being responsible.   The government needs a centralized leader to push thru change no matter how unpopular it is with the business community.

The trick is the stock market is going to tumble and they have tricked retirees into having all their money there, and I let a criticism about that have a huge effect on me.   I wanted to please everyone, and the targets who should have been taken down were often the people who were using me.  I am not cruel by nature, I am not hateful....  though Obama made fun of me over the statement, I have always thought of myself as someone who loved everyone in a way.   I wrote criticism in voices that were not mine, just jokes to me, being mean to celebrities because everyone was so nice, etc....  spoofing them on my first blog.   Gave hateful speeches at a tv conspiracy that I did not understand and took for torture.   I spoke to it and acted for it because I could sense  gravity but I had no idea.   I trusted everyone at first.   Now I trust no one at all in the news or on the internet to report on intelligence affairs in any manner that is meaningful to the current situation.   Top Secret....

My files are CIA EYES ONLY meaning nothing gets printed, in case they want to just get rid of my file someday with the push of a few buttons.  They have me open at the moment and will I would predict as long as they exist, which is a lot less longer than they think.   I gave them a second chance for reasons I should not have.   Made a rash decision against Bush without ever realizing he was trying to make this right somehow.   I just thought if he was firing people in the CIA than they were good guys.   I was probably wrong.  I would not have done this.   There is a lot I would not have done if I knew better.   I see why I was portrayed as a Baby.... and the joker/though the Joker as Heath ledger played him was based on me, and he died for that stupid role, was based on my life I felt like I had been totally slandered.    I did not understand what purple and green stood for in the intelligence world, though I later learned.  Gotham, the latest bathroom show has the Joker with a Cult, a direct reference to me.  The Batman fixation with my situation, always trying to destroy me, like they start to call me superman after I did something so now Batman had to kill superman, not some evil villain... because no one in their audience who knew about me was buying their slander anymore. 

That film, by using me in a way  lot of people hated,  caused the death of an actor, and someone to use a guy to shoot up the movie theater when it opened, in Denver, where I guess my power base was.   People thought I wanted Colorado, that I was a conqueror at first.  One man died to get that on the news....  by getting things in the major media they gave messages to everyone involved across the country.   They were doing radical acts at first to get out messages, then the television itself became involved, all part of the fifty year plan... and the tv people were ready, schooled in how the world worked, and about to find themselves being led to a degree by a man who had no idea what was going on out in the world.

To those who died to get me a message....  I swear to you I will never give up the mission that you died for.   I will never allow our enemy to have peace without an offer of justice.    I will avenge your deaths a hundred times over if I must, though I know you fought so we could overthrow the war makers, and get this countries budget back to the people, instead of the military....   to get rid of the criminals in congress and the senate in one fell blow.    Martial Law until the political and judicial system can be reformed.  The confiscation of vast resources of hoarded wealth.   Those who flee these taxes lose their citizenship, and all properties and businesses confiscated, etc.   Hopefully we will get to your money before you do....  I would leave the wealthy with a nice nest egg to live a normal, upper middle class life.   Period.   I would not punish them in camps or anything insane, I would like to offer them a decent life and a clear conscious, to be a part of a monumental change in the way our country is governed, and our world.

Leading by example and with grants to other countries....  various countries would be relieved to join such a co olition, and democratically the movement would be unstoppable, if propaganda and lies and banned from the political process, and only addressing issues is allowed.   And not with lies.  Politicians who are held accountable, not above the law.

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