Friday, February 24, 2017

The spouse... is a spy. I almost left her over it... though I cared for her too much after our sharing our bloody cell

THIS ENTRY DISAPPEARED AS I WAS WORKING ON IT....   I am watched stroke for stroke on the computer and they have taken down or changed a lot of my work over the years.... 

Sometimes I take their advice, that I have gone too far.   ARE THEY FRIEND OR FOE?   My friends have removed things from my facebook, and edited my blog, at times in ways I liked, and in others that infuriated me.  I gave out my address once, disappeared.... a lot of other things I am remember and tens times or more of that.   I do not care how they seek to repress me at this point, how they make me the villion in the manifestations of conflicts I knew nothing about.  My prose was very violent for awhile...  I keep remembering writing WE WILL KILL AND KILL AND KILL UNTIL THERE IS NO NEED TO KILL AGAIN.   I meant this in a political way, as soldiers, etc...  it was taken by some a be the blessing of a DEMI GOD, THE NEW JESUS, THE INVISIBLE KING, THE ULTIMATE GANGSTER, THE PIRATE, the....

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