Sunday, October 13, 2019

SO is the verdict in among the oligarchy, that the threat is so real... you have to toss the Joker at me?

    I still have the sense of the every day guy sitting me beside me, going HEY THAT sounds nuts when I write, like such people matter in this context.   I wish to speak directly to my critics, friends and foes....  should I have either?  Your stupid psycho-pop interpretations of me always take out of the equation that for years, I felt cornered, with a broken bottle in my hand surrounded by armies.  People who could control the media, for God's Sake, suddenly invading my life.  I kept thinking it had ended and then it would begin again.

Now I no longer take this personally, I just cannot.  The effort everyone has gone to on all sides is too magnificent to center on me, obviously, there are other matters to consider.  Before, I thought I was the only one being harmed by all of this.   I was the victim.  When I was the victimizer.  I do not want anyone to use my image or name in such way again.  I do not wish to harm anyone because of some belief I have or otherwise.  The only time violence should be used is in war, and defense.  Right now we are at war.   I do not wish to be sided with people who do not share my ultimate goals;   their beliefs are their own to have, all I want is equality, for all... as much as humanly possible.  A democratic planet would vote that all money presently being used for war, would turn to solving the worlds problems.

Sounds like something a God Emperor would order.  From a throne of fresh corpses.  Not me.  I did not know of your world when you first brought me into this,  Now I do.  I was introduced to a responsility I did not want though one I was humbled and honored to have.  This does not mean I am a madman or anyone has anything to fear from me, a guy who wants to live, despite whatever the hell happens to me.

I said OUR FRIENDS Wear BLACK.   I do not know what much to make of this.  I do believe womyn deserve equality by any means necessary, and others reparation's, etc.  We are a very rich country spending our money badly.  We need to take about everything from the billionaires, set some kind of one hundred million dollar limit on world wide wealth -- I mean, if that is not enough money to live on, then off with your fucking head, and we'll make the offer to your kids, or whoever.   I do not think that we need to strip all wealth from people.   I do see a dismal future ahead though, which will cause drastic change.

I do not wish to be there as some kind of madman.   I will NOT sow chaos for the sake of chaos, or money.  I want HONEST MONEY, which is maybe an oxymoron, but I wanted to earn it on my own, not have it be given to me, stolen yet, or bloody.

Now all these years later I know I would have reacted differently had they not scrambled my brains.  If you are Harley Quinn, and expect me to be your Joker, I am sorry.  That is not who I am.

I have a brain that feels like it no longer works.  I do not have enough intelligence to compute what is happening to this day.  I do know if I am once again standing at my back door staring out, doing nothing because I have no idea of what is happening....   or if I am full bore involved.  I see some signs of effect but the days of having cia help are probably over, unless some of them are on our side, sure hope so. We can never afford to assume an entire organization could be without sympathizers for justice, or a livable future, etc...  maybe I am wrong?  I doubt it.  People are people.  But then the things I hear they do to each other?

I will never stop rocking this boat, until it tips fucking over, and everyone is sinking of swimming, not living on the luxury decks or below.  Fucking metaphors.  Suck at them.

I would like to see changes but I seriously mean this, no violence will help in these matters, merely countering them must be done in the same realm, that of words, where they are fighting.

Phoenix has now been put in a Christ movie, then the Joker, who the right continues to want me associated with.  I may have been like the Joker in a way, and I certainly could have appeared as him to those watching me from places unknown to me, so many of you... underground, believing the end was here.  I did not know what to think of the mind blowing circumstances either.   I kept expecting someone to come to me, never suspecting I was living a life of lawlessness.  I thought I followed the law in all rational ways.  Regardless of my illusion, I was thinking of how they have used this actor, knowing surely..

When I was on their side or he was force to, he did the I AM STILL HERE...  Then later, he did the I WAS NEVER HERE.  Something, but the career choices are of course way too much to be coincidence, especially in light of this latest development, where the enemy is so intent on fighting my simple message they make the number one film in the world about me.  should I be FLattered.  the guy on big bang who said to me he would love a show about him, and I should be grateful.. like my life was a show?  Like I should be grateful for what I saw and felt as torture?  A possible enemy in my living room every day.   Seeing my words used by others, not quite knowing why always, etc.

Now I feel that this fame I HAVE  NOT EXPERIENCED must be on going, and one who speaks seems to have confirmed as much.  I will not lie and say that I like this idea at all, but I will do what is necessary.   That is it.  Do I wish to be involved?  Of course.

I was thinking earlier, I fight in memory of those who fought and died in this fight, I will not abandon our efforts to make this a better world...  too much went awry.  Violence became a form of communication, threats, or dishonors.   Your ways are hard, as I knew it would take to fight a revolution, but I never imagined what happened.

I want no part of such circumstances again.   I am who I am, and I cannot but still feel I am Christ.   I find this is my answer when I ask myself the question.   What this means I do not even care anymore, if it is real does not enter into my calculations in this world.  I do not expect to do miracles or be in control of my life?   ANGEL HAS FALLEN, AFTER WHITE HOUSE...  the fallen movies.  Maybe they did happen, the men of english letters, and finally I learn …..  ARE WE JUST A SHOW TO YOUR????  SAM asked, a character with a name many took for awhile, in the game of names, my middle name being scot, as if they claim me.

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