Friday, August 9, 2019

the plan needs plan within plan within plan; semi-colon, after semi-com, drawing sharper...

I came out screaming like a baby
used someone else's joke about a protest and became diaper man
jack the babe in the woods
I was too long
then jack grew feral and fed the beast
that killed to live

the drastic puritan dream came out kill and kill and kill
until we need kill no more
words used as the speech writer for a campaign
I never saw
a poet for a war I never saw bleed

the tv worked harder than hell to help
and tell and I could not believe what was happening
sure as hell never thought violence was done in my name
when I found out it was too late to stop, I tried

I wanted no more blood
too real for the writer
I wanted all the blood
too real for the writer

what goes through the minds of those who reads my words
was once far from my mind when I wrote them
their messages mine to see or so didactic the club bloody from use

now I have to understand I have no clue
how you see me
each one differently though in words
you might agree on some definition
to make a livable pattern where there is one

humyns are imbued with the belief they will live
in general
no matter what
if they try hard

when this is taken from them I fear for us
the weak most of all
among them myself physically
who has oh so far I could fall from here
not a lofty peak to some
but high enough and more for me

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